I get that a bit if I reply. There is a little message that says there are posts before your reply that you haven’t read and gives you the option of seeing them. But the message is really small and easy to miss.
I get that message on my computer but never on my phone.
Here is my absentee tax for Friday (and an excuse to post fluffy butts!)






And although I missed capturing it; here is Charlie after Nyssa had kicked wood shavings all over her. :gig

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A near miss
Bob, to take your mind off the stress at Fluffy Butt Acres I am sharing a near miss at the Chicken Palace today.
I was doing some digging to bury the ground wire for the electric fence before the ground freezes hard. In passing I dropped off some cabbage as a treat, but the three older Princesses rushed me at the door and were out in a second frantically digging up the lawn and the pachysandra and as usual generally trying to interfere.
Here is Maggie destroying the pachysandra and showing off her newly re-fluffed butt.
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I was feeling old and tired and after the digging really wanted to go inside and have a cup of tea so I went to gather in the Princesses to pop them safely back into the Palace. What I had not remembered is that since Maggie laid a lash egg she no longer squats for me, and she had no interest in coming in however much I begged.
So, instead of going in for tea I sat just inside the door of the servant's quarters on my little stool. I could see Maggie and Maggie could see me, but I was invisible to anyone or anything else in the backyard or the field.
I was so engrossed in the Hattie-Aurora fight video that I almost didn't notice Maggie making the 'alarm trill'. Fortunately I just caught it and rushed out to see a fox only about 20 feet away with its eyes glued to Maggie in the Pachysandra. The fox and Maggie were just staring at each other.
I ran at the fox yelling and it rather reluctantly moved off about 10 feet but then turned again to stare at Maggie. I didn't want to run too far from Maggie (maybe the fox had a friend nearby) and I didn't want to turn my back on the fox. It was all quite stressful.
Eventually I managed to back up to Maggie and scoop her up and take her into the Palace.
What with Hattie and Aurora and Maggie and the fox I am emotionally drained.
That fox will be back. I hope you can get your hot wires sorted.
Mel wasn't quite so chipper this morning so it was on with the headlamp, magnifying glass and another check over. I found a tiny wound under her wing which I just hadn't seen the first time around and it's infected.:(
I'm kicking myself. I know to look for at least two puncture wounds from hawk attacks, one or more from the front talons and one from the back foot. It's the back foot I missed. Now she's going to have to have antibiotics and that will make her feel like shite.
I got the wound open and bleeding again and the infection isn't bad yet. The bleeding and subsequent cleaning will help but once an infection is there, it's in the blood.....
Of course, cleaning like this is painful for Mel and me.
I have antibiotics supplied by Gloria my vet.`

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