Not impressed by dead mouse, actually the opposite

Found that we caught a mouse in the drawer trap last night and thinking of @RoyalChick I decided to see if the pullets would have any interest. First thing this morning. Bad idea. I was barely awake. Buckeyes are famous for being mousers, but maybe not these gals, maybe not yet, and maybe it has to be a live mouse, not a dead one, at least for starters. They're five months old now. The mouse seems kind of big. Also I really should be more awake prior to these little experiments. What was I thinking?

I approached the run with dry meal worms and the stiff mouse, and everybody came over to the door, and they were really excited to see the mealworm jar, and they all jumped in to have some when I scattered it in a small area of the run near me. Yum! Pecking away. Contented buks.

Then I tossed the mouse over to the center of the run without warning, kinda over their heads. It didn't land in the middle of them, it was a good two feet away. But nonetheless that was a bad move. They jumped and bawkked and then seriously gave the warning sounds of deep bok, bok, bok, bokking. They moved away and to the side while looking intently at the dead, still body lying over there. Then they absolutely froze with heads cocked at it while continuing to make the serious warning sounds.

So I tried to reassure them by talking to them, telling them it's just a mouse. See, maybe you'd like it?

And I reached over them and picked it up by the end of it's tail to show them how harmless it was, but of course that was a bad move too, as now it was swinging wildly from my hand, and again it was over somebody's head, who then freaked out, let out a full bakaawwwk and flapped and stumbled sideways away. This set everybody off on a another session of vigorous deep bokking while stepping this way and that, eyes on the swinging mouse, unsure where that thing was going next and where the safest place to be was.

What was I thinking? I removed my hand with the mouse and put the mouse out of sight, outside the door. I got the mealworms going again. The deep bokking stopped. What? You've still got mealworms? Oh, yes, please! Please! Very happy to see the mealworms!

Contented pecking and making those little buk buk sounds.
I promised myself and them I'll never do something like that again. :oops: What was I thinking? Not very much, and definitely not enough, I'd say....:barnie
Oh gosh, that had me giggling. Hubby had to adk what was so funny. My answer? “Chicken stuff.”
I offered a LIVE mouse to my Buckeye, Ruby, once knowing they are known for being good mousers and she also did the Bawk, bawk baek, bawk alarm call with her neck stretched tall and head tilted sideways. The mouse took off and hid under a vehicle.:rolleyes:
I should have offered it to Bridge, my Barred Rock who swallows lizards snd snakes whole. LOL.
Shad... You just can’t fix stupid. Was your stock net bright orange like my snow fencing? ;)

I’ve got a similar contribution; after the attempted roosting by our bull (who is a gentle mild mannered sweetie, which I have only seen make any pretense at aggression when he hears animals in distress or comes upon the remains of a missing herd-mate) we moved the cattle in preparation for weaning and to get them out of (essentially) my front yard. Well DH and I were not invited to help separate the calves. Aunt in Law took the oh so helpful cousin. Supposedly Gus charged her in the field on sight. She stopped him by coming at his fave with a big stick. It was an “unprovoked attack” They are now worried because the adult cows are in BIL’s area and “I mean, like... what if he goes after BIL and kicks him?“ apparently “who cares? point and laugh” was not an appropriate response to this question. But it did get me a glance. The In-laws were playing the ‘I don’t see you, I can’t hear You, nah nah’ game until I said that. Bear in mind these are the same dangerous beasts that I have been in shoulder to shoulder with for a week. Nosing my window and mooing for hay. That I have been walking through with square bales from the barn to a clear place to feed while Gus is excitedly trying to nibble the bale I’m carrying. Apparently my “safety” was never of any concern though.

I would also point out the Black Cowboy Hat example Temple Grandin frequently uses about negative associations animals make and behavior, and maybe add in that these are the same people who prefer to herd by driving, hitting with sticks, spooking, and setting the dogs to harass (they aren’t trained to cattle, barely to sheep, and have nipping tendencies). Cows are far more intelligent than people credit. I think Gus has decided certain individuals are a threat. SMH
I'm glad the cattle appreciate and like you and that they can tell you apart from your clueless, thoughtlessly cruel in-laws.

If you ever feel threatened, you could stand amongst your guard cows. It sounds like Gus considers you an honorary herd member. 🐮🐄💞🐄🐮
I've been missing other people for a long time now. Lately the chickens have not been great company either. Soon the weather will have me locked indoors as well. I'm concerned about navigating this winter well.
We’ll be here for you, Bob! I’ve been back st work in the office for so many months, I miss working from home. LOL.
Thanks, and for everyone... just remember if it gets tough, there are people who love you, and please reach out. I mean, I am one of those introverts... socializing is hard for me, especially face to face, and I’m starting to feel the isolation a bit too. Compounded by my recent loss. I have started worrying about everyone I haven’t seen lately, especially people struggling with addictions, recovery, and mental health

They aren’t blatherings, and please don’t think anyone thinks you’re making light of anything... :hugs you’re one of the kindest most welcoming people I’ve known.

And this is sort of why I stepped back for a few days to process my emotions... I was too raw in my grief. I don’t want to burden anyone, but I also needed to say if anyone needs to reach out, please do it. However works, and in whatever way is needed. And please take the initiative to check in on your friends and acquaintances who might need a quick “hey, how are you?” A little bit goes a long way.
Well said, Kris. I feel honored that you and others open up here and that you all have let me in. We’re our own village!
And I’ve mostly caught up... I believe I missed a few pages maybe on Saturday and early Sunday... but wow, over 40 pages behind... I haven’t been that far back since I got back online regularly again. I’ve been gone since Saturday because it was a very rough day here. Things didn’t go well in communicating with the in-laws, and I was honestly ready to pack it all in and leave between 3-6am on Sunday morning. After the stressful day, I found out through Facebook that a dear friend from work I had fallen out of touch with died. I did not take that well. I am fairly certain that Covid was partially to blame (social restrictions, and the psychological affects of this virus are hitting hard on many of my old friends). Although it wasn’t announced, everyone I’ve spoken with who also knew him, agrees it was most likely a Drug OverDose, probably not a suicide. Sunday was a write off. I didn’t even do the chickens... DH took care of it all for me. Monday was better, and we got some work done around the trailer. yesterday was jam packed with Chores and DH’s birthday dinner (47, a roasted chicken, don’t tell the girls) exchanging vehicles at the Garage, and getting the Sawmill ready to transport for repairs.

Chicken Tax photos will come eventually, they currently are all hiding from the windstorm, I just heard some more trees or large limbs come down, and I need to head out to fix my tarps again (3x today so far)... but here is how not to fix a portable sawmill (anyone remember the haystring tractor repair I shared a couple Two hay seasons ago?)View attachment 2434379
And my truck... now with brakes, but still some more brake repairs to go (one more rotor and caliper, and all the brake lines to go). Hey, she is stopping, it’s a win! And a flashy, new to me, only slightly cracked, high end fiberglass canopy... for dry feed transportation, a sure way to prevent precipitation for the near future!View attachment 2434380
Thank you for the lovely big update. There is always something going on in your neck of the woods. Have you managed to keep Gus from trying to roost in the chicken trailer again? How did you do it?

I'm sorry to hear about your friend :hugs. Isolation can be particularly hard on a lot of people. Please look after yourself too. Good on your DH for his support.👍
Also Happy Birthday to him!

Here are a couple of chicken signs that you might enjoy.
This one is appropriate for your egg business.

And this is more of a chicken fan club sign.

Couldn’t you just shoot it like a deer? 9 days left in deer season here. I wonder if there’s an Emu season? Sorry, but those things can be dangerous! Oh, hold on... I forgot, Australians have a somewhat skewed idea when it comes to “dangerous wild animals” :gig we have had that conversation a few times already, haven’t we? Someone here was raising Emus for meat, but it was way too difficult, and turned out her Husband is allergic to their meat as well! Apparently asking about wrangling them and slaughtering them is just not to be done... too much trauma.
You can't just shoot it! Don't you know that it's one of the supporters for the Australian coat of arms? Do you want an international incident? 🤪
(Two guesses what the other supporter is. )
“Ok... we’re going to need a big compost bin and 5 more people.” I would suggest drawing straws ahead of time to settle who will be performing the take down maneuver, but then the lucky winner may not be able to “make it” the sighting. Do bring someone dedicated to observe/record the event and call 911 in the event of an injury! Lol. I’m sure with adequate time, feed, and patience you can tame it...
Just treat it like a very tall, murderous chicken....:confused:. Easy peasy.

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