cute. I'm so happy for her. My son and daughter in law tell me I need a new hobby/interest. I know I do. Will think if something. My husband is on hospice now. Not for end of life soon, but he's eligible for it and I'm thankful for it! If I want, they have volunteer sitters! And, respite! That means they have a place they can take him for overnight, or even a few. I haven't wanted to use it yet, maybe when I start feeling better I'll want to go somewhere, especially since the covid is more under control. 👍 Thanks Bob, again, so happy for your cute mom!
Please do use the sitter option...even if it just means for you to get out and walk (when you're feeling better). It means you don't feel rushed to get back, and you can give yourself a moment to just concentrate on you. :hugs this is coming from someone that recently had to learn how to accept lesson I've ever undertook.
I have nothing of super interest to share about my's been kinda rainy for the past couple days and I've been working too hard/long hours.

We are approaching 16 weeks it will be interesting to see if we have an early layer. Dr. Tacky is very red in the comb and face. Whip is pinkening.

I really don't expect anything for at least another month, but I'm an eternal optimist!

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