I didn’t have any walnuts but she was still pleased to see me and flew through the Chicken Palace to say hello.

I'm very glad it is negative. Send that boy to school. 😆
He’s telling me there’s no point going to school as he has a cold and it’s contagious. Whilst he has a point; if he stayed home every time he had a cold, he’d miss half a year! I use that argument with hubby about staying home from work every time I have a cold, I’d never have any sick leave!
It's that she reverts to a little girl when in terror and wants Mum to protect her. Nesting Magpies think I'm a threat so I can relate.😅

A swooping magpie is very scary. 😧
The last time I was swooped, I turned around to tell the maggie off and it laughed at me! Cheeky sod.

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