Probably too busy keeping himself cool (excuse my bitterness, I'm very cranky about this man's ignorance)
Can't decide which emoji, agreeing with you or mad about the terrible chicken keeping! :thumbsup:mad:
Same problem here! So I used the little sad face. How can you not notice chickens lying prostrate on the ground panting? How do you not notice when they begin to die? How can you not notice how freakin’ hot it is and think “oh wow, I better make sure the chickens have enough shade, enough fresh water, and proper ventilation in their coop”???
That jerk is not any kind of a chicken keeper!
So I’m not quite caught up and have had lots going on. In addition to my (mildly) high blood pressure, I’ve had three recent episodes of a crazy, racing, pounding heart. Saw the doc. At her request/recommendation, bought a mobile EKG-at-your-fingertips device, managed to capture some recordings of my racing heart and sent a couple to her. A cardiologist reviewed them and confirmed her suspicions. I have Supraventricular Tachycardia and started on meds tonight. As a bonus, the meds prescribed for the tachycardia should also lower my blood pressure. Woohoo!

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I am glad to hear that you’ve been able to get to the root of the problem, and that there are medications to help.
You have to take care of yourself. Your chickens need you! 🥰
Jaffar just bit me, he has never bit me before. I think he has a feather up his bumm (I was only trying to hold Emily) he obviously disapproved :eek: it’s not like I was asking her (his lady) on a date behind his back !:th
Ps. Emily is a blonde, and definitely not my type!

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