More Challenges Brewing

I spent some time watching Sydney very closely this morning. I am getting concerned.

No Laughing @Ribh !

I think Sydney is about to go broody. she is pancaking on the ground and starting to tut tut around a bit. It is very similar to what happened last year right before she decided to set. Hopefully Phyllis' experience will be a deterrent to her. I don't know that I can lose another nest box........

Here is Sydney not looking pre-broody.
Queen Rosa? So she the big BOSS at the top of the Pecking ORDER? :D
Nope, that role falls to Annie my Australorp. (Queen) Rosa is in that grey middle of the pack zone where they know how they stack up, but I can't figure it out!
Sometimes I wonder if they giggle to each other and mix up who pecks whom so much just so that I will never figure it all out!!

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