Chaco is doing fine today. Winds blew north today, not east (thank God) 56772D78-CE50-4712-8139-D17B8730C7C0.jpeg C6E21EEC-17F8-4E0C-B2EC-0ED4D8C289AD.jpeg
Look at Hazel's tail! She's been molting and not feeling well. She's quite standoffish and doesn't mix it up with everyone for treats or mash balls. Been feeding her ones on the sly, if she'll take them. She rests under the lilac bush a lot. She's grouchy. Look how there's just one feather left back there!
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Hazel: What are you looking at?
Me: Your beautiful new neck feathers. Also your tail.
View attachment 2846161

Hazel: Hey! Don't be taking pictures of me like this! Didn't you mention maybe I'd like something called sardines? Well put your phone down and get busy with that, please!
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I fed my molting hens sardines last night for the first time ever. They were a big hit!
I love your Buckeyes and Queenie was wonderful as well. I have been thinking that Buckeyes would probably be a great breed for our northern Canadian winters, especially with the pea comb.
They're spiky round plants (those leaves are SHARP) grow in gumbo (not the yummy stuff but the stuff that adds 10 pounds to each foot with every step) and are dangerous to fall into (the gumbo makes that a very real possibility). FWY, yucca are perennials, pollinated by yucca moths (specific type of moth), are similar to succulents in watering requirements (closer to cacti), and don't grow naturally east of the Mississippi (why they won't grow in New York City).

Potholes come in multiple sizes: Popus Tireus all the way up to Engulfus Carus. Cracks/chips in windshields (windscreen for the UK/Aussies) are normal and don't get fixed until the window is in danger of falling into the car. New ones are chipped/cracked the first winter.

Altitude sickness can happen, borderline desert, 8 feet high snow drifts (isn't that a contadiction?) We won't mention the spiders.

I had customers a couple of weeks ago up from Texas. They said they were here to hunt for Sasquatch.
What on this earth us sasquatch :caf
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Dont like them either...something about the sauce, lack of tomatoes and dill pickles... by preference, I like elk burgers with mushrooms, bacon and Swiss cheese.

Creativity tax (from my solidly Android, almost 6 year old phone)
View attachment 2845905Yes, these are SOAP.
Thank goodness you told us. I thought they were slugs and piglets on toast.

My eyes deceive me :eek:

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