Rooster & Chicken Poop never tasted so good… not that I ever tried any before 🤣🤣🤣
It helped. It wasn't a cure and nowhere near 100%, but it slowed her down enough for a month.
Now the hormone is worn off.

The days are shorter now and she's slowed down naturally...we will see what spring brings!
Fingers crossed! My only two that were laying have stopped and have swollen (?) bellies. Lucky, who started laying 2-3 a week, has stopped squatting and is starting to run from me. She’ll still hop into my lap momentariky, but I hope she’s just breaking for winter. She’s always been a bigger girl, but I don’t like the feel of her belly.

Sunshine, the Easter Egger who was laying shelled eggs INSIDE soft eggs also stopped and has a swollen belly. Unfortunately, she is squatting for me and was even making nesting sounds in the box the other morning. There was no egg after work. She still loves to jump into my lap for a cuddle and shove her head into my armpit.

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