I live in Texas and I have 1 black Australorp named Scuffle, 2 Buff orpingtons named Emerald and Shaker, 2 New Hampshire Reds named Willhemina (Willa) and Cuddlebug, a Black Silkie Bantam Cockerel named Bootleg, a Rhode Island Red named Theodore (I am not sure if he/she is male or female, if she is a girl Theodora or boy, Theodore.), a Barred Rock named Shelly, and a White Cochin Bantam Cockerel named Buddy.
That sounds like a fun assortment.
How does that work - do they wait for her to go off the nest once a day and zip in there to lay in that box? Or was there a doubling up without fighting so someone could lay in the box while she's there sitting? :idunno
Betty was definitely laying in the box with her. I've seen that many times. I'm pretty certain I caught Sydney and Aurora as well. As little as Phyllis was off the nest I believe that everyone else was laying in the box with her there.
Well, not exactly, but I have one that looks EXACTLY like it!!:p
Similar to this maybe?


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