Happy equinox! Hope everyone had a good day. No pics of chickens today, just a Cooper's hawk. Came right into the yard after the song birds, but missed. Sat atop the light pole chirping for awhile afterwards.
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I hate those guys.
What about her detective job?
Still on the job.
Happy Fluffy Butt Friday everyone. Today's contributors are mostly of Bunny and a one or two of Raven. Both those girls are very, very, very angry with me and are letting the world loudly know it. Bunny is still not broken up from being broody and last night Raven thought Bunny had the perfect idea and joined her in the other box. NO, NO, NO. I've had to resort to drastic measures, the porch boxes are closed for business, and they are NOT happy.
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Sorry girls, you made me do this.
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I'm so glad chickens cannot talk, because I have been cussed at ever since.
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Such lovelies. 🥰
Well done on the coop and the feeders and waterers!

I have food and water inside the coop and also in each of my two main runs. Then there are some feed bowls out in the yard that collect wild water!

I basically like to give lots of options so they don't squabble and because they are spoiled brats! Also, if it is ever very, very cold they can stay in the shelter of the coop. My coop is quite large (14'x10') and has high ceilings, lots of ventilation and a dirt floor with deep litter - so I have never really worried too much about spillage, and honestly with a nipple or gravity waterer hung off the floor there really isn't much spillage.
This sounds pretty similar to my set up. My coop is dirt floor deep litter (or rather will be here very shortly) it is 8x16. My run is 16 x 11 for 14 chickens. Spoiled is a good thing ;) I intend to do exactly that! Thank you for sharing what works for you it is very helpful!
This sounds pretty similar to my set up. My coop is dirt floor deep litter (or rather will be here very shortly) it is 8x16. My run is 16 x 11 for 14 chickens. Spoiled is a good thing ;) I intend to do exactly that! Thank you for sharing what works for you it is very helpful!
Got the heat on, and overslept. Need to warm up the chickees and Im freezing its 56 degrees out. Overslept so all the chicks were chirping and the big girls gave me the stank eye. Fed them 2 hours late. My coop for my easter eggers is 4x10 and the run is 190 square feet. Bought some more straw to add to the coop for the winter.
I think it depends on several factors. Most importantly how big is your coop? If it is big enough to hold all of them for harsh winter days, then probably you can place feed/water inside. It probably also depends on if you intend them to be in a confined run or free range.

My coop is small and only for sleeping, so no water or feeder ever in there.
It is 8x16 deep litter with a attic area providing ample ventilation. After reading through all the answers and set ups everyone shared, I think Ill do as I originally planned and keep feeders and waterers in both the coop and the run. Unless I run into a huge rodent issue of course then I could well change my mind.
I've got a head tourch. Would the light be a form of heat? I don't think so but may be wrong.
I like them to sleep in the dark so they don't over lay. Tina could do with stopping for a while now. I need eggs but want her healthy a lot more.

It was suggested in here last year and an absolute god send to check on them and give medication when needed during the night
Oh yes those headlamps are awesome!

No the solar light won’t give heat. As long as you have the curtains up to keep out drafts they will be fine, they generate a good amt of body heat.

Keep them dry and draft free at night and they will be good to go.
Hello FBA!
Before I post my twofers, my opinion on food and heat in the coop :
We began with a big feeder and water that stayed in the coop. We changed for two reasons : mice invasion (which was solved when we got our cats).but also because it means the hens stayed in the coop much more, and they pooped inside. Now, I have several small feeders that I usually put outside when the weather's nice but move back in the coop and run if the chickens have to stay inside.
I am careful to put my feeders outside in covered locations so that the chickens don't make an obvious target from the sky when eating.

Regarding artificial heat in the coop, I disapprove strongly of it for healthy chickens unless we are talking about temperature under -5c inside the coop. The reasons why are that if you artificially warm the coop, you increase quite a bit the temperature difference between inside and outside, and I think that is a worse problem for the chickens when they will go out than faring with low temperatures in the coop. And also, you decrease their natural ability to withstand cold. I think creating a small space inside if the coop is too big is a much better solution than heating.
I would however not apply this reasoning to unwell chickens, older or very young chickens, and breeds that are especially fragile.

About umbrellas, ☔ although my first picture was a set up, I actually have a permanent umbrella in my chicken zone that is lined with chicken nettings. I use it to make a shady corner that's sheltered from sky predators and stays more or less dry when it rains.

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