A nice salad...I wanted to get some planters emptied before frost so I can use them to grow greens indoors. The chickies are happy to help!
Bella took a turn yesterday. I got home around midnight and she could barely raise her head. Around 10 this morning as we were fixing to put her in the truck to go to the vet, she passed away in our home. We had a viewing so all of the pups could say goodbye. They watched as we covered her, they know where their sister sleeps ❤️
It's the chick pile at bedtime that looks like thatView attachment 3638044They have a ways to go to match her size.

Meanwhile the Invasion is the same height as Lark and Indigo. Not as big as the others yet, but...
View attachment 3638045Nox and Enigma. And Nox has added a bunch of white spots on her back. She's done a subtle moult, not finished yet either.
Speckled 👤👮‍♀️
Bella took a turn yesterday. I got home around midnight and she could barely raise her head. Around 10 this morning as we were fixing to put her in the truck to go to the vet, she passed away in our home. We had a viewing so all of the pups could say goodbye. They watched as we covered her, they know where their sister sleeps ❤️
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
Bella took a turn yesterday. I got home around midnight and she could barely raise her head. Around 10 this morning as we were fixing to put her in the truck to go to the vet, she passed away in our home. We had a viewing so all of the pups could say goodbye. They watched as we covered her, they know where their sister sleeps ❤️
Oh no. So soon.
:hugs :hugs:hugs

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