Anyone want some stir fry tonight? View attachment 3638410
That looks really yummy, pass me a plate please.

I've been woken up at an ungodly hour, I was really boiling up so I got up and cooled myself with cold water then made up a porridge in a jar, with yogurt cinnamon chia and flaxseeds then I added a half of banana.

I saw someone on youtube making something similar to this. I think I'll be doing this more often
Thank you so much 💓

Bella is about 10. She was a young adult when we got her. Lety and I had only been together a few months when we got her. Being abandoned she always craves love and attention.
Bella took a turn yesterday. I got home around midnight and she could barely raise her head. Around 10 this morning as we were fixing to put her in the truck to go to the vet, she passed away in our home. We had a viewing so all of the pups could say goodbye. They watched as we covered her, they know where their sister sleeps ❤️
She shared most of your life together then. Her sudden absence must feel very strange and sad.
While you had no time to get used to the idea, she didn't have time to suffer. I’m sure she knew she was loved.
I’m sorry for Lety and for you.
That looks delicious! :thumbsup
The recipe has an awful lot of sugar, let me know, after trying it, if you think you could cut the sugar in half and still have a decent outcome (being diabetic, I am overly conscious about that - and I am suspicious of most of the sugar alternatives...though I can't seem to give up sugar (or splenda) in my tea - which I usually drink iced. Though I have cut back a lot!)

Sugar coating things, tax:
View attachment 3638397View attachment 3638402
A box full of peeps!
It could be cut back (and the lemon increased). adding some fresh grated ginger would be good too.

The challenge is the volume. I have no idea how to substitute for the volume.


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