He has a Frost Legbar, aren't they the same - the same chances of getting blue eggs?
I mean, the same genetics just in a different combination? That's why they're both "Legbars"? The blue egg thing in there is supposed to be the same. Or is it not? I don't know but that's what I thought. @rural mouse would know.
He has a Frost Legbar, aren't they the same - the same chances of getting blue eggs?
I have a Frost Legbar that used to and still does occasionally lay blue eggs. I am hopeful that a winter off may allow her to build up some more blue spray for the eggs.

Last check in on the Spuds - they have spread out. The one standing just settled down on the platform and looks pretty content. (I put squishy grabby shelf liner on there to help them get used to the little bars first without slipping.)
View attachment 3640902
How sweet. 🥰

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