My adventure!


Feathers are regrowing beautifully, they are all looking wonderful ❤️
We are just about done with molts.

Hattie has a few wing feathers to go.

Glynda some head feathers and those tail feathers.

Aurora is down to head and beard.

Phyllis is just head feathers.

Sydney seems done.

Lady Featherington probably has the most to go with head feathers and chest feathers.

I'll try to post updated photos tomorrow.
I’m sorry that I’ve been out, I’ve just not had time for my BYC family lately. All of the chooks are doing well. My grades were good but now they aren’t. I’ve never had anything lower than high b’s so I’m super mad at myself.
I have my championship horse show tomorrow, and there’s 13 other people in the class. I’m really nervous. Lenny is an awesome horse, but he is not the best at dressage. One of my close barn friends wants to buy him, but she’s thinking about splitting the price with me. She just told me today because I saw her at the barn when washing Lenny and cleaning his tack. I’ve not introduced the idea to my dad yet, but he’s convinced that I’m not ready for a horse. Lenny might be leaving soon, and I don’t want him to leave. I know that they are livestock, and that’s what happens, but I hate the fact that’s what happens. If I were to buy him, I’d need to get my grades up. My math is a b, but I’m failing Spanish (because I didn’t turn in a project, stupid Pastel) and I have a c is GA studies. Both grades should go up, because I turned the project in, and because I got a 95 on a mastery test in Ga studies.

I’ve not buried Madame Pearl yet, so I just have a dead Guinea in my freezer still 🙄

The chicks are HUGE! I let them and their momma out for the first time since I got them, and they were so happy. They got to run around the big pen and got to see grass.
Eli’s settled in nicely. She has been chasing the chicks, but BBQ chases her.
Well, I have to go to bed, because I have to wake up at 3:50 in the morning, and it’s 11:14. Night! I hope that I can be on here more often. Wish me luck in my show!
I sure hope it went well. :fl
I will know much more tomorrow. I think she literally has no skin on her neck, but I couldn't get the best of looks.

Well I only have 3 hens. Eenie, Meanie, and Sheba. Meanie is clearly top hen. Sheba and Eenie are kind of a toss up. I think she's lowest. I'll try to get a better look at Sheba's back tomorrow.

I'll absolutely do that and post much better pictures tomorrow.

I'd love to put her and Sheba together, bur that means Manny will just have Meanie and the pullet Uno and of course Tres, the cockrell.

The vetericyn I bought has no color! Did I get the right stuff? View attachment 3675978
I also got this to wash the wound with. Good? Bad?
View attachment 3675979
They are both fine. Blucote would color the wound so other hens don't peck at it. They are drawn to the red color of an open wound. I would not mix in another hen until I colored or converted the wound.

Am I crazy everyone? I thought vetricyn was colored.

The saline is very good for washing.
I think that is fine, be careful with cleaning the wound, if there is no skin and has a scab, it might be best to leave it undistirbed, as Bob suggested cut away the feathers to get a better look. Be careful of blood feathers! You will know them, they have a thick dark shaft and base, not the flaky thinner shaft of a mature feather (ask me how I know this 😳 sorry Mr P).

Do this in stages so as to not stress her too much, trim the feathers let her rest, check and rinse the wound next, let her rest. If indeed there is no skin don’t disturb the scab (dried blood). To rinse the wound just use some cotton swabs or paper towel soaked in warm water and dab at the wound, don’t scrub.

You can take peak at the edge of the wound if you can see the wound margins to give yourself an idea of what you’re dealing with, being the neck area the wound scab will likely flex and crack with the movement of her head. So it may actually weep.

You can spray with vetericyn to help with any surface bacteria.

I would also give some pain meds if you have a vet to get some Meloxicam; if not then some Tylenol, I wouldn’t give aspirin as it acts like an anticoagulant. If I remember correctly the dose is 10mg/kg, I have baby Tylenol that dosage is is “80mg per ml” so I give a quarter (0.25) ml to an average chicken (assuming 2kg of weight which is 4.4lb).

And sometimes the best course of action is to do nothing. If she is freaking out and not letting you see the wound I would just leave her be, put friend with her also so she doesn’t fret. If you don’t have a friend that doesn’t peck at her, then I would keep her by herself where she can see the others at least.
Ok well remember chickens are tough and they will heal with a little help. You will do fine just take your time go slow and break up the task into small bits so you don’t stress the hen or yourself. Good luck!
Great post. :goodpost:
They are both fine. Blucote would color the wound so other hens don't peck at it. They are drawn to the red color of an open wound. I would not mix in another hen until I colored or converted the wound.

Am I crazy everyone? I thought vetricyn was colored.

The saline is very good for washing.
Definitely no signs of crazy 😜 and I think Vetericyn comes in several forms. I have it here and there is no dye in it at all. That said there well could be one that does, that I haven’t run across.

I have BlueKote as well and I have used it on a couple of occasions. It is so messy that I have taken to spraying some on a paper plate and getting a cotton ball or qtip to apply it. I still have blue in the shape of a chicken foot on my concrete by my garage door 😂 from before I came up with the paper plate idea!
We are just about done with molts.

Hattie has a few wing feathers to go.

Glynda some head feathers and those tail feathers.

Aurora is down to head and beard.

Phyllis is just head feathers.

Sydney seems done.

Lady Featherington probably has the most to go with head feathers and chest feathers.

I'll try to post updated photos tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing those pictures, I bet they are looking fabulous now.

My gang is still working on it. Brownie who got hit the hardest and earliest is almost completely done. She really just needs her tail feathers to finish lengthening. Everyone else that was due to molt is doing so at much more sedate rate and no one is sporting the naked chicken look.

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