I just love that too. :love
Tonight I candled the eggs, they are three days along tonight; I could only see development in Curly and Fluffy’s eggs - wasn’t able to see anything in the rest. But will check again tomorrow night.

I forgot to bring my phone with me to take a photo of her eggs - tomorrow I will bring my phone when I check again.

Question to anyone - Penelope’s egg seems to have the yolk moving around in it when I tilted it candling it trying to see anything - is that normal? I don’t see that movement in the other eggs….
Okay, I’m not usually tech illiterate… but how do I find this primer? Is opening someone’s signature just clicking on their user name?
As RM stated if you turn the phone landscape you will see the links at the bottom of any of his comments 💕

Lovely recipe! I like to cook mine down a bit, mellows the acidity of the tomatoes for me and I love thick sauce. :) I actually made and canned marinara earlier this fall! It ended up a bit sour from the added citric acid so hubby told me to price out a pressure canner for next year.
Hahaha tell hubby to add a tsp of brown sugar to his sauce 😊

Unless you want a pressure canner - in which case - good job! A sort of reverse psychology 😆
Frequently someone has been home. The deck, one of the kids saw it from the living room. None of them have lived in the house for at least 6 years, and all the dogs are younger than that.

Sherlock's vet doesn't want to "fix" him until he's at least a year old (or we can't stand the not fixed behavior). I grew up with not fixed male dogs, so I'm kinda thinking of taking Sherlock on property perimeter walks so he can mark his territory once he starts that. Not sure how much that will help, but should be of some help with regards to the "fixed" dogs.
Have had both - by far the sports model is far more appealing, better manners, less smelly, less aggressive….

I make everything a sports model here if possible, if I could spay the horses I would have! If I could geld the Roos I would have…
Oh this is sad news, I'm so sorry!

No idea who the beagles belonged to, though now I know who to ask. Beagles will go for miles, and back then they didn't have the tracking collars.

Chicken tax - I got more ambitious, after the last rain. Want to raise the whole floor, not just the west side.
About two thirds done here in the second 6x12 run, trying to make them set well enough and reasonably straight and level. Standards are not too high though, and there were some limitations to work around.
View attachment 3678725

Chicken inspectors in this before pic below - I had laid it out first to see if the ideas would work and things would fit, made some changes and now I'm setting & leveling them, more or less. And cleaning off poop and trying to kneel in between poo spots!
View attachment 3678734
Well I think it looks great! Good job! I k ow how much slugging this is.

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