Well well well!
I went to close Perry’s cage up for the night so she wouldn’t be picked on in the morning, and just about panicked when she wasn’t there. Looking around, I finally spotted the stow away.
Looks like she’s a tough little cookie! Willing to put up with a little pain for the sake of roost friends 😭 Also willing to sleep on the poop board for it lol. My heart, I’m so proud of her! And right under Becky’s beak, of all places.
View attachment 3733925

All this integration drama has me wanting to actually measure out the run and have you all weigh in on whether adding two new chicks in the Spring is a good/bad idea.
Way to go Perry. The need for other chicken friends is a strong drive. Looks like they are working this out without you.
Sqeaky clean princess muck, flashing her fluffy for Bob. There's no shame in this girl
So cool!
Have you ever played the bass out there, in the middle of the desert? Like, stuck a chair out on the sand with a view of the mountains and just played? Letting the wind carry the music 😍
I do play outside sometimes to practice, but not way in the desert. I love to see the trees and bushes while!

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