Church wedding bums: IMG_3957.jpeg
Perry’s got spirit, yes she do. Perry’s got spirit how bout you?
This reminds me of Jenny Morse leading the cheerleaders, back in my high school days.

My almost brush with fame:

Her daughter is Megan Boone, "Lizzy" in the TV show, "The Blacklist."

Her dad was a real estate BIG wig in Florida; now I think that title has passed to Jenny and her brother Mark. They are uber wealthy; they're the kind of people who have 3 private jets. My brother builds/remodels houses for them.

I'm very proud of my brother; he's dislexic and never finished high school. His talents are in demand. His house is a drop dead gorgeous log house.

Mom, you were worried about him not graduating? He did fine, mom. Really, he did fine.
My office is in the barn I keep my laptop password protected! I have had internet out there for years 😊
Well, those chooks can HACK! 🤣
Wouldn't the extremely dry air be an issue for your instrument?
We put humidifiers inside our instruments. They look like this.

We dampen them and put them in the F-Hole of the bass. It transfers the humidity to the bass.

Instrument Tax:
Now that the pullets are laying, their butts, while fluffy, are no longer clean. Has anyone else noticed this?

Would a different feed help? I feed Kalmbach Flock Maker with 20% protein and oyster shell/egg shell on the side for calcium.
Their butts aren't clean? That's weird. Maybe @rural mouse may know something about that. That really is new to me.

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