Sis came over again yesterday afternoon to spend time with Grandma and go with mom down to her house to look for a few things she wanted. She also came for her 2nd green egg. Little Owly did not deliver hehe. First thing this morning she ran straight to the box and laid her 2nd egg. I will get to keep this one for a bit, she has to work today so will not be over. I thought I was bad about collecting chickens, Sis is becoming a terrible enabler. Before she moved out she complained about the chickens, too noisy, why did I need so many and a egg was a egg and store eggs were best. Then she actually tried my girls eggs and has not ate a store egg in 3 years. She also appreciates pretty eggs now and will pick and choose through the cartons for the prettiest ones when she comes to get 1 or 2 dozen at a time. She moved out almost a year and a half ago now and really appreciates my eggs and claims I do not have enough hens and groceries are expensive. She calls it highway robbery at the prices of store eggs now that taste like crap as she puts it. She also misses my roosters crowing and her townhouse is too quiet. It was her and Rosie's prodding that pushed me to get a EE. Now she is taking it to a whole new level, one I have to admit I have been contemplating myself. I mentioned a month ago that I thought Owly and Bubba would make some pretty olive eggers if she laid blue or green eggs. Yesterday Sis showed me a picture of Olive eggs on her phone. She then informed me she looked up olive eggers and realized with Owly laying a green egg she could get one if I bred her to Bubba. She offered to bring back the egg if I would toss it in the incubator. Enable much. I had to tell her I would not even think of hatching Owly's eggs for at least a month. Her response had my grandma laughing. She said "fine, wait a month, then you will have about 10 broody hens fighting you, give one of them a dozen of her eggs." Sigh, Sis needs to find the right house and buy it. It is time she has her own flock of hens.
AND. If you had a Roo from white egg layers like a Polish and you bred him to Owly you would get Blue eggs 😊 so I am told… as blue is dominant and the white would somehow copy out the brown gene and such stuff….

I am glad your sis was over 😊💕
Okay, yesterday Crystal (I think.) gave me a really pretty light colored egg. It’s her first ever egg, so I know that she can change the color and shape up a little.
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Today I got another egg, but it’s slightly darker. It’s not my BPR pullet Ruby, because her face is not very red. I think it’s Crystal again, just because she is really heavy now. I want to say it’s Opal because of the color difference, but when I picked her up, she wasn’t super heavy. Could both of these be Crystal, or is the darker one Opal?
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Here they are side by side for color and size comparison. View attachment 3744823View attachment 3744824
They are really small eggs! Here they are next to Splotches egg from today. Splotch does lay huge eggs though…
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Lovely eggs! And congratulations on a first egg. As for colour change mine haven’t had that much of a colour difference but I am hardly an expert 💕😊
Here’s proof that chicken and rice just go together!

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