Pip is eating and drinking. She's pooped a better looking poop too. It was still small and slimy, but more of it. She's been making soft cooing noises with a little bit of trill in them.

The crate is a small dog crate, so not much room. I have a blanket on the bottom with a piece of 2x4 for her to stand/roost on. It's tall enough for her to stand upright, which she's doing, and big enough for her to turn around.

I think one day inside should be enough...? She looks fine. Her eyes are bight, head is up. Or should she go back out with the flock now?

Any suggestions/opinions are welcome! This is the first time I've dealt with this problem.
Pip is eating and drinking. She's pooped a better looking poop too. It was still small and slimy, but more of it. She's been making soft cooing noises with a little bit of trill in them.

The crate is a small dog crate, so not much room. I have a blanket on the bottom with a piece of 2x4 for her to stand/roost on. It's tall enough for her to stand upright, which she's doing, and big enough for her to turn around.

I think one day inside should be enough...? She looks fine. Her eyes are bight, head is up. Or should she go back out with the flock now?

Any suggestions/opinions are welcome! This is the first time I've dealt with this problem.
I’d be telling you to keep all your chooks inside. So I’m not the one to give advice. :D
Pip is eating and drinking. She's pooped a better looking poop too. It was still small and slimy, but more of it. She's been making soft cooing noises with a little bit of trill in them.

The crate is a small dog crate, so not much room. I have a blanket on the bottom with a piece of 2x4 for her to stand/roost on. It's tall enough for her to stand upright, which she's doing, and big enough for her to turn around.

I think one day inside should be enough...? She looks fine. Her eyes are bight, head is up. Or should she go back out with the flock now?

Any suggestions/opinions are welcome! This is the first time I've dealt with this problem.
I have no idea really - I would post in the emergencies thread.
To me it looks like either a soft shelled egg - maybe with some intestinal lining or a lash egg.
Definitely calcium and definitely make sure she is eating and pooping.
I don't really see a need to isolate her apart from wanting to observe her poop and feed intake.
The big question is whether or not to put her on antibiotics. I probably wouldn't. I think Bob might say to do so.
I do hope she recovers!
Pip is eating and drinking. She's pooped a better looking poop too. It was still small and slimy, but more of it. She's been making soft cooing noises with a little bit of trill in them.

The crate is a small dog crate, so not much room. I have a blanket on the bottom with a piece of 2x4 for her to stand/roost on. It's tall enough for her to stand upright, which she's doing, and big enough for her to turn around.

I think one day inside should be enough...? She looks fine. Her eyes are bight, head is up. Or should she go back out with the flock now?

Any suggestions/opinions are welcome! This is the first time I've dealt with this problem.
Well, if she has a friend can she be with her? Do you think she will be fine alone? I keep Old Red in the feedroom overnight by herself where it’s warm. She doesn’t have an issue with it (that’s were the mealworm Hooman is hahaha), it sounds like she seems ok.
I have no idea really - I would post in the emergencies thread.
To me it looks like either a soft shelled egg - maybe with some intestinal lining or a lash egg.
Definitely calcium and definitely make sure she is eating and pooping.
I don't really see a need to isolate her apart from wanting to observe her poop and feed intake.
The big question is whether or not to put her on antibiotics. I probably wouldn't. I think Bob might say to do so.
I do hope she recovers!
I would side with Bob esp if it was a lash egg. Nip any infection in the bud. Of course I also might not if it were a young hen just starting out, gosh they are all over the place sometimes with egg laying - big, small, double yolks, no shell…. Fluffy did it all her first few weeks laying (other than a lash egg), gave me fits as I had no idea what was going on. Thank goodness for this website!

How old is Pip now? Is she a yr yet? When did she start laying eggs - how long ago. I would err on the side of caution and keep her under observation a couple days make sure she os laying eggs ok and pooping and eating ok.

Gosh these chooks they sure can cause us stress can’t they?
I figured that. But I needed poetry today and Kelly wasn’t around. :old :lau
Hahaha sorry Alex, been a hard day here I over did it yesterday and I was struggling to get chores done, and hay thrown down for the week.

Add to n the fact those wee velociraptors were bat crap crazy to get outside on mount poopmore again today…. I finally just gave up and let them out for a few hrs. They are inside now and I am in the feedroom feet up on the heater reclined in my office chair checking out the weather and FBA.

Here is some prose for you…

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.

(Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliette)

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