He's looking like Butterscotch....and such eye candy too!!!
Yes he has a lot of her markings but Butterscotch is definitely white though. Here he is beside Henny for colour comparison. His tail was what had me looking closer, as you can definitely not white.

Temps have been hovering just above freezing most of the day. The crew is out and about.

Whiskey watching with some girls just above the coop
View attachment 3745641And (with the coop cut from the bigger picture) off to the rightView attachment 3745640Pear, Tuff, and Cheetah all doing sentinel duties at key vantage points with Hector watching from in close.

Sherlock has been out several times to play, found his missing ball and has looked at and turned away from chooks with nothing more than voice commands.
Looks like a lovely day there.

Gosh Sherlock sure is turning out to be a really nice dog, you have done a great job with him 💕😊
How old is Pip now? Is she a yr yet? When did she start laying eggs - how long ago. I would err on the side of caution and keep her under observation a couple days make sure she os laying eggs ok and pooping and eating ok.
Pip is about 9 months old. The Bielefelders began laying the beginning of December, so roughly 2+ months ago.

I'm going to give her Fishmox for 10 days (250mg, 2x a day), and also pop a calcium pill into her beak as well for the next 5(?) days. She is out with the other chickens, and she RAN out of the crate when I opened the door. I saw a couple more poops on the blanket in the crate that were smallish, but normal looking.

I've checked on them, and everyone seems fine. I was worried she'd be picked on, but so far, no.

azygous (member here on BYC who probably knows more about treating chickens than most vets do) did say that the meaty thing was lash material. She advised the 10 day course of amoxycilan and said that salpingitis is very difficult to treat. I hope I've caught it early and that she has a good chance to recover fully.

I did start a thread and will update it regularly.


Thanks everyone, for the advice and good wishes.
I saw a reference to "The Ole Bat" this morning. I think it is time to do a update on her. At some point this spring she will turn at least 11 years old. She is still going strong and is in the best shape ever weight wise. She looks great, I would not think of her as a geriatric hen if I did not know her and spotted her out and about. I really do not think she has laid a egg in almost a year. To my knowledge she never picked back up laying after her last clutch late last spring. Right now, her face is reddening up fast. I would think at 11 a hen would be done laying. With Momma who knows. This girl has spent over half her life brooding chicks, she could lay again. I will say while it has been frustrating, with the excessive brooding she has taken care of herself. As of last year her eggs were fertile with really strong shells.
Here is the "Ole Bat" in all her glory this past Wednesday.
View attachment 3745629View attachment 3745630
She has been through and seen a lot in her 11 years. Oh the stories this hen could tell if she were able to.

Edited to add.
I went back and did the math. From the clutches I have allowed her to hatch willingly or surprisingly she has hatched off 47 chicks herself. This is with me limiting most of her clutches to 2 to 4 eggs.
Love her!
Coco wanted back outside. Dakota wanted me to take her inside. These bird are making me nutz! I bet they communicate with each other when there’s steak 🥩 involved! :drool
That’s fine that Dakota is inside. She’s my mathamachicken and can help me with fuel calculations and other tedious tasks. IMG_3182.jpeg

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