And my twofer Tuesday picture.
Piglet and Sylvie.
It is the best I could get today.

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Hey, whatcha find down there?

Muffled as her mouth is full:
"oh, nothin', nothin' at all down here"

I don't believe you - what's in your beak???

Gulping loudly

"ah, nothin', there's nothin' in my beak"


No fair, You just don't want to share!

With a sly smile:
'Well, there ain't nothin' TO share (whispering at the end...not anymore, anyways)
A double yolker for twofer tuesday
Courtesy of Kasumi

And Shep has laid her first egg! What a gorgeous milk chocolate speckled treat!
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Hey, whatcha find down there?

Muffled as her mouth is full:
"oh, nothin', nothin' at all down here"

I don't believe you - what's in your beak???

Gulping loudly

"ah, nothin', there's nothin' in my beak"


No fair, You just don't want to share!

With a sly smile:
'Well, there ain't nothin' TO share (whispering at the end...not anymore, anyways)
So perfect for those two!
Love the eggs. Tassels is really different. It intrigues me. In theory my EE Owly crossed with Bubba should create Olive Eggers. I do not know if that would hold true though where she is a EE and essentially a mixed breed and not a true Ameracauna or other blue egg breed like a legbar. I do not need more chicks other then the eventual planned silkies if Poppet ever decides to finally start laying. Chick fever is starting to set in, and I have a feeling before long someone will go broody. It also is not helping that Owly has clearly picked her rooster and I have witnessed several liaisons between her and Bubba.
As long as she lays blue eggs, EVERY one of her offspring (as long as Bubba is papa) should be an olive egger.
New Nest box - none of girls would use the lovely nest boxes I purchased last year and they were all laying in the bedding in the coop instead. We decided to try this and they absolutely love it. I may end up putting in a divider but for now all seems well. The big girls (the jubilees) seem particularly happy about the space.
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Some photos from today:
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Flours fluffy butt:
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Brownie and Flour paling around
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Brownie came to visit me:
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Look behind the tree 😂
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Action shots:
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Most of the crew pecking around:
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Lore is stunning! (The ladies are not slouching in the looks department either)
I always feel a bit guilty that I am not posting often 😊. I love this thread !

Oh ! How beautiful! And how aggravating 😬!

No, they range in a yard during the day, and the younger ones free range because they know how to get out. The run is just to lock them when we both have to leave, which isn't often.
But chicken math happened : it was nice for our 6 first ex-batts, but with 17 chickens including two roosters who hate one another, it couldn't work even for a few hours.

That was a surprise from the last hatch. We got eggs from a neighbour that had a beautiful silver rooster and plain black hens, and the six chicks were a lot more different than we expected, with only one black pullet, Lulu.

A cute twofer, for those of you who remember how Chipie used to dominate Gaston ! Here he is explaining very gently to her that since she is half the size of the younger pullets she needs to stop picking fights.
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And the two leghorns, Alba and Nieva (with Chipie's butt 😮).
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Look at those beautiful leghorns. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I always feel a bit guilty that I am not posting often 😊. I love this thread !
We are happy to have anything you can share with us. Please don't feel guilty. I am just glad that you love the thread.

Oh ! How beautiful! And how aggravating 😬!
It truly was not aggravating at all. It is quickly melting away. I have the right equipment so clean up only took me about 10 minutes today. I think the girls might be back out and about tomorrow afternoon at this pace.
My friends and Co-workers ger to explore their inner chicken farmer through my random Chickiness. Its a win-win for everyone to spout chicken facts!
This is the place for chicken conversation. How many chickens do you have and what kinds?

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