I get this email:

The post gets promptly deleted.
Then, I get a notification announcing the winners of the contest. I look. I'm quite sure I almost won, but they changed their mind instantly. Ah well. Doesn't matter to me. I just find it funny.

Hey, whatcha find down there?

Muffled as her mouth is full:
"oh, nothin', nothin' at all down here"

I don't believe you - what's in your beak???

Gulping loudly

"ah, nothin', there's nothin' in my beak"


No fair, You just don't want to share!

With a sly smile:
'Well, there ain't nothin' TO share (whispering at the end...not anymore, anyways)
Excellent! True chicken sensibilities. :clap :clap:clap:gig:lau:gig:lau Well played!
I’m getting no cooperation from my chooks lately. I’m feeding them the best feed available, giving them treats, spending time with them and all that stuff.
But they don’t want to hang out with me,
None of them are laying any eggs for me and even Sir Jaffar is avoiding me! :(
Makes me sad. Maybe I should change mouthwash? :idunnoOr deodorant?
I get this email:
View attachment 3747094
The post gets promptly deleted.
Then, I get a notification announcing the winners of the contest. I look. I'm quite sure I almost won, but they changed their mind instantly. Ah well. Doesn't matter to me. I just find it funny.
Also, don't feel bad for me at all. I'm going to maybe save this for a April Fools post or something like that.
This is the place for chicken conversation. How many chickens do you have and what kinds?
I have 11 Buff Orpingtons (10 Females/1 Roo). I had 12 but one went missing. Also, 10 PBRs (all hens) - actually lost one to a hawk last week. But, I got the final say in that before he took his first bite. He flew to a nearby tree, and I stood over the carcass. After a 5-minute standoff he left. My victory was, I gave the remains to a family of Buzzards. I also have 4 Buff Brahmas, and 4 Barred Orpington Xs (3 hens, and 1 Roo)-this last group are the eldest chicks. At 3 months - Lovey, I mean Lovette, He was Lovey until I learned she was a Roo. He went everywhere with me on my shoulder and for drives in the car. But he has already grown into his Roo duties. He protects his half-siblings quite dutifully and he has a crooner Crow. Kinda stretched out as if he was singing it out. I also have a 2-week-old Orpington hen, a 4-day old Orpington hen and a 4-day old Barred Orpington X. I have black australorps, lavender orpingtons, and seremas in the incubator now.
I have 11 Buff Orpingtons (10 Females/1 Roo). I had 12 but one went missing. Also, 10 PBRs (all hens) - actually lost one to a hawk last week. But, I got the final say in that before he took his first bite. He flew to a nearby tree, and I stood over the carcass. After a 5-minute standoff he left. My victory was, I gave the remains to a family of Buzzards. I also have 4 Buff Brahmas, and 4 Barred Orpington Xs (3 hens, and 1 Roo)-this last group are the eldest chicks. At 3 months - Lovey, I mean Lovette, He was Lovey until I learned she was a Roo. He went everywhere with me on my shoulder and for drives in the car. But he has already grown into his Roo duties. He protects his half-siblings quite dutifully and he has a crooner Crow. Kinda stretched out as if he was singing it out. I also have a 2-week-old Orpington hen, a 4-day old Orpington hen and a 4-day old Barred Orpington X. I have black australorps, lavender orpingtons, and seremas in the incubator now.
Wow. Sounds like you have your hands full.
We do love pictures on this thread - and I am sure she will weigh in soon, we have someone who wants to see stripes and wattles!

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