No love today…

Between Sharpie and Penelope. The two of them got into a brawl, Sharpie won, which made Penelope go off on a spree of beating up on the others. I have never seen Penelope pecking and beating on the others.

I fact my original gang of Whiskers, Misty and Dorothy just stood back and were astonished by her behaviour.l, they where just standing stock still not moving eyes on her, I am sure they were wondering what was going on.

Mr P came over did his little dance - she and him got into a bit of a scuffle which I am sure Mr P was not expecting, but he didn’t back down and they both stopped, he did his dance again and herded her away from everyone and she calmed down then. It was a very interesting interaction to observe and see how Mr P handled things.

Observation for the group:
1) Mr P has absolutely no use or interest in my niece’s old hens, in fact will chase Raven and Larry away. He has ignores Sharpie and Red.

2) There seems to be sub groups forming, my original gang will have some of the School Chicks hanging out with them, Sophia’s chicks are forming their own flock and bringing in the School Chicks, Ruth seems to to boss there.

3) My niece’s old hens seem to be hanging around with the Azurs, who hang around with the original gang.

3) Mr P really likes Flopsy (Azu), and a few of the School Chicks, and Sue (Sophia chick). I have not seen him breeding Larry but her back looks like she is being bred as it’s dirty like that.

Overall it’s a fluid non-linear flock dynamic happening; Penelope rules most of them, but Raven and her cronies Rule everyone but Penelope.

It’s very interesting!
Cockerel Ranch: Where Every Day is Valentine's Day.

Notice how they all have craters from Cockerel's feet. Is there something I should do to help their feathers? It seems to be the Wyandottes are the only ones getting their feathers like this.
There really is only a couple of things that can be done:
1) Give the ladies an apron/saddle to help protect the feathers.
2) Add more girls
3) (Since I assume you want to keep Cypriano) give the girls a bit of a break from him.....for example - when you first let them out in the morning, snag him and put him in an adjacent pen for the first half of the day (roosters seems to be most active first thing in the morning -- yes, I know they are 'busy' all day, but morning seems to have an extra 'surge' of hormones.) Or if you don't free range every day...separate him from the girls every other day.

Any combination of the above will be helpful. I wouldn't suggest separating him for more that 24-36 hours at a time, though - as you want to keep their relationship strong.
This is Petra.

Are you sure that isn't Blemmyes?????:gig:gig
Girls got a valentine treat, red cabbage!
Liara saw it when I opened the gate and instantly squatted...guess she likes purple
The happy clucks and boks while I carried it out...
Dig in ladies! Looks like they're done with the pumpkin, I'll get it out tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I'm getting a holter monitor to see if they can catch the heart palpitation thing. I hope it does.

@notabitail I love those little curtains! When I get my new coop I should make some for it!
There really is only a couple of things that can be done:
1) Give the ladies an apron/saddle to help protect the feathers.
2) Add more girls
3) (Since I assume you want to keep Cypriano) give the girls a bit of a break from him.....for example - when you first let them out in the morning, snag him and put him in an adjacent pen for the first half of the day (roosters seems to be most active first thing in the morning -- yes, I know they are 'busy' all day, but morning seems to have an extra 'surge' of hormones.) Or if you don't free range every day...separate him from the girls every other day.

Any combination of the above will be helpful. I wouldn't suggest separating him for more that 24-36 hours at a time, though - as you want to keep their relationship strong.
There really is only a couple of things that can be done:
1) Give the ladies an apron/saddle to help protect the feathers.
2) Add more girls
3) (Since I assume you want to keep Cypriano) give the girls a bit of a break from him.....for example - when you first let them out in the morning, snag him and put him in an adjacent pen for the first half of the day (roosters seems to be most active first thing in the morning -- yes, I know they are 'busy' all day, but morning seems to have an extra 'surge' of hormones.) Or if you don't free range every day...separate him from the girls every other day.

Any combination of the above will be helpful. I wouldn't suggest separating him for more that 24-36 hours at a time, though - as you want to keep their relationship strong.
I've used a hen saddle on my hen Buffy before, about two years ago. It works good! :thumbsup

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