Petunia update

Well! I just got in from evening chores, I like to give the chooks a final once over when they are all snoozing - while I was doing a final check/headcount I noticed that Petunia had laid a soft egg and a normal egg!

I palpated her belly and the mass I felt was gone! So seems it was an egg I felt.

Not sure why she picked up after I started the antibiotics but likely because the stuck egg might have been causing a low grade infection.

So I am eggstatic that she passed the eggs and I will keep her on the calcium for the foreseeable future.

Boy that X-ray sure didn’t show that egg did it?! I wonder if an ultrasound would have shown it?
Petunia update

Well! I just got in from evening chores, I like to give the chooks a final once over when they are all snoozing - while I was doing a final check/headcount I noticed that Petunia had laid a soft egg and a normal egg!

I palpated her belly and the mass I felt was gone! So seems it was an egg I felt.

Not sure why she picked up after I started the antibiotics but likely because the stuck egg might have been causing a low grade infection.

So I am eggstatic that she passed the eggs and I will keep her on the calcium for the foreseeable future.

Boy that X-ray sure didn’t show that egg did it?! I wonder if an ultrasound would have shown it?
Maybe a few nights inside the house would be good for petunia!
A little bit. They get to go in the area right around the coop. But not too much haha, I am afraid they'll take off and get eaten by the dog!
Your wee dog? Or your parents? Your dog I bet the chooks would take on!

My poor Missy is terrified of the chickens they attacked her en mass once 😳
Maybe a few nights inside the house would be good for petunia!
Nope no way, it’s toasty warm in the hen house and she would be stressed away from her family.

Actually might be a hit too warm in there - I am going to have to make a screen door for the front doorway I guess.
Petunia update

Well! I just got in from evening chores, I like to give the chooks a final once over when they are all snoozing - while I was doing a final check/headcount I noticed that Petunia had laid a soft egg and a normal egg!

I palpated her belly and the mass I felt was gone! So seems it was an egg I felt.

Not sure why she picked up after I started the antibiotics but likely because the stuck egg might have been causing a low grade infection.

So I am eggstatic that she passed the eggs and I will keep her on the calcium for the foreseeable future.

Boy that X-ray sure didn’t show that egg did it?! I wonder if an ultrasound would have shown it?
I bet inflammation is what was making it stay stuck in there!
Sh.. my parents left me at a 5 $ 10 cent discount store. I was playing with the toys. 30 minutes later my parents came back frantic. (But I knew no difference, I was still playing with my toys)!
I hid away in the clothes racks at a store and my aunt and uncle where watching me - I was 3 I think I was told. My aunt and uncle were traumatized 😆
I bet inflammation is what was making it stay stuck in there!
Likely, I am leaning that way in thinking, she has had a few of those so likely had a low grade infection.

I think if I get any other hens with soft eggs I give them a course of antibiotics as a preventative.

Now I will have to keep an eye on her and make sure she lays her eggs properly, and also so I can collect and throw out her eggs as she is getting antibiotics! It’s a blue egg you would think it would be easy, but it seems I get lots of blue eggs! I get eggcited when I get a pink or brown one!

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