They sound like wonderful hens (? Is that what female ducks are?), and sounds like she is on the mend. 💕❤️
As you saw in the picture, I put them in the tub with water and food. The wound looked decent today. I decided to leave it unwrapped as she got it completely soaked splashing in the water bin in the tub. After sanitizing it, I put some more triple antibiotic ointment on it - but I'm sure that will wear off with her moving her wing - which I am sure is still sore as she holds it a bit out from her side.

She drank but I didn't see her eat at all. When I let everyone out this afternoon to free range, I put them both out, too. Her friend enjoyed swimming in my spring 'stream'/pond, but she just hung out under a shrub near the run (but outside of it). She might be afraid to be 'exposed', but still, other than a very small nibble yesterday (and she ate a few BOSS sprouts - maybe 3 today), she hasn't eaten in 2 days and hasn't drunk enough.
Twofer Tuesday
Slightly different photo than the other one.
Happy birthday to Inky, Wendy, Honey, Poopy, Light! You are 3 years old!!

Today's dinner has tuna, egg, rice, pumpkin, live mealworms, greens. Foxy and Meimei enjoyed others birthday dinner too. :D
View attachment 3770357
Happy hatchday!
Yesterday, when I got home, I went out to check on the littles. Found the neighbor's CAT in the coop. She looked up over her shoulder at me, mmowed,, and stayed put. And got picked up by the scruff and packed over to the fence where she was unceremoniously dropped on the other side. Back to check babies (one had been out WITH the cat). All present, hale, and active. While checking on them, I found 4 eggs in a new nest....View attachment 37704343 more today. If someone goes broody there, she's welcome to sit. Out of sight of the others, inside the coop, may have to get creative to keep the spot available when the babies don't need the tote anymore
Whoa Nelly - ya bad cat! Would have been a clobbered cat if it were me!

Gosh close call.
Dakota is on her perch in the chickens room. She just had a steak dinner prepared with love by me. The other chooks are all on the top step of my porch, having a meeting (I interrupted by serving them steak as well) I answered all their union demands, so I don’t think they were conspiring against me this time. Sir Jaffar doesn’t know this yet, but he’s staying inside the house with Dakota for tonight too. I need him for my alarm cluck and he’s usually right on time! :love
For those of you who actually read this, I give you my deepest gratitude.
I like your tales they are great. And your chooks are marvellous don’t you know? 😊💕

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