I went out to take pictures of beaks and toenails so you guys could advise me on whether they needed filing and immediately noticed Sylvie.
She seems to have lost a toenail and the very end of her toe looks like it might be necrotic!

How would something like that happen?
I feel like a terrible chicken tender for not noticing.

It doesn’t seem to bother her and she is digging with both feet so I don’t believe it is infected or painful.

But WTH? I know Tassels tries to eat my fingers, but surely she wouldn’t actually swallow Sylvie’s toe?!

WDYT. Anything to worry about? Left foot, middle toe.
This morning, after my mom and I dropped my brother off at his school, we were on the way to my school, when a kid on a bike came out from the other lane and hit the car in front of us. I was in the front seat and I was looking out front, so I saw it all. Once the kids bike hit the car, the kid went flying into a car in the other lane, and his bike went flying and landed in front of my moms car- well, half of it did. The other half was scattered in a million pieces across the road. The car that hit him- or rather the kid hit the car- pulled over and my mom pulled over too. By now a ton of people have gotten out of their car and people are screaming and asking if he’s alive. I unbuckle and before I jump out, I think if that’s really the best idea. I stay in long enough for my mom to register that I’m about to jump out and she told me to stay in the car. She gets out and she asks if anyone’s called 911. Someone has, so she goes and talk to the car behind us, which just so happens to be a teacher at my school who we are close friends with. My mom asks me if I want to go with her to my school, so I automatically say yes.
This morning, after my mom and I dropped my brother off at his school, we were on the way to my school, when a kid on a bike came out from the other lane and hit the car in front of us. I was in the front seat and I was looking out front, so I saw it all. Once the kids bike hit the car, the kid went flying into a car in the other lane, and his bike went flying and landed in front of my moms car- well, half of it did. The other half was scattered in a million pieces across the road. The car that hit him- or rather the kid hit the car- pulled over and my mom pulled over too. By now a ton of people have gotten out of their car and people are screaming and asking if he’s alive. I unbuckle and before I jump out, I think if that’s really the best idea. I stay in long enough for my mom to register that I’m about to jump out and she told me to stay in the car. She gets out and she asks if anyone’s called 911. Someone has, so she goes and talk to the car behind us, which just so happens to be a teacher at my school who we are close friends with. My mom asks me if I want to go with her to my school, so I automatically say yes.
It deleted half of the story… Here, I’m pretty sure that the last picture repeats a lot of stuff.
@RoyalChick Yes, I'm that nervous! I check that everybody made it in and the door is closed. A couple of evenings I've forgotten to check but do it as soon as I remember, even at midnight.

Especially when the Spuds were integrating - they were always last in and did a lot of in-and-out with both Popcorn and Hazel pecking and making their lives hard. Twice somebody was caught out and I've gotten them in; I then set the door later to give the shenanigans time.

Soon they discovered that getting behind each of the Buckeyes was the safe place to be - they would brave the gauntlet, get by them and go back as far as possible.

Now, they've figured out the best strategy is to be first in, before the Buckeyes. They are early to bed ladies!
I would love to go to bed right now - this getting up at 4:30 am is for the birds! Though even the birds aren’t up then haha!
Hi everyone, popping in for a quick update.

Grandma has pretty much stopped eating and drinking. The last meal she had was breakfast Monday morning. We have been struggling to get her meds down with applesauce. Mom called out the nurse this morning. They came, vitals are dropping and the decision was made from here out to stop all medicine except her pain meds and the valium to calm her nerves if we can get that down. She talked in her sleep all night long, with my uncle who passed back in November.
❤️ ❤️ :hugs :hugs
It deleted half of the story… Here, I’m pretty sure that the last picture repeats a lot of stuff. View attachment 3771162View attachment 3771163View attachment 3771164View attachment 3771165
Oh how tragic! I am sorry you had to witness this, and I sure hope this child is ok. Was he wearing a bike helmet? Leg can be fixed your brain not so much.

I sure am glad you have your chooks and the babies to help keep you occupied. Give your mum and dad a HUGE hug tonight 💕
It deleted half of the story… Here, I’m pretty sure that the last picture repeats a lot of stuff. View attachment 3771162View attachment 3771163View attachment 3771164View attachment 3771165
I hope the kid gets well soon.

I feel sorry for him, but remember:

ALWAYS look before you drive across a street with cars on it. I heard about someone we know that got in a accident because kids can't be bothered to look where they're going. It's also why I don't let little brother run across the gas station parking lot to the loo on road trips .
Sir Jaffar is now an indoor rooster. I found him in the run cowering and bleeding from wounds to his wattles and his comb. His good eye, he’s keeping closed and I fear that he’s been attacked by the neighbors roo again. I’m going to dispatch the neighbors rooster. It’s obvious that that neighbor has no sense of community safety.
Jaffar is messed up 😔
Oh no! Poor Sir Jaffar 😢 darn that other Roo!

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