I have never done any beak or toenail trimming. I have never seen the need. It just does not seem to be something I need to worry about. You are not making a problem for yourself are you?
Agreed - normally they do not need any attention.

Henny and Mr P have mis-shaped and or twisted toes that don’t wear - and the silkies 5th toes don’t touch the ground so they don’t wear either.

RC’s ladies toes look great. And from photos in the past I never see anything wrong with their beaks.

The Azurs beaks I feel are they way they are because of the beak trimming done as chicks. And even then I have been leery of doing much with them, but this weekend I will need to look more closely I think they are not wearing their beaks evenly.

RC - your ladies beaks look perfect to me 💕😊
Josephine Attacks.

She's trying to beat up Agathae for being broody now. She has never acted like this.
Aurora attacked Phyllis the first time she went broody. She went as far as to drag Phyllis off the nest and destroy it. I had to put wire up to protect Phyllis.
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@BY Bob

Betty sure is looking like a grown lady these days 😊


I am having trouble telling her and her egg mum apart! But Betty is taller and leaner than Curly who is more round and squat. And wow can Betty run and fly!
She will need a friend in that case - a lovely white Azur pullet 💕 like this one. If she weight 3lbs that’s as much as she does.

Flopsy and her fluffy butt - her sister Topsy to the left. That might be a joker to the right (or Blanche) - poor Flopsy stuck in the middle again!

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In theory she has a friend - Pooh. But Calypso hasn't taken against Pooh. I think Calypso is the aggressor and she ropes in Tassels to join the fight.
I have never done any beak or toenail trimming. I have never seen the need. It just does not seem to be something I need to worry about. You are not making a problem for yourself are you?
I have no idea - that is why I posted the pictures to get opinions - it never crossed my mind before!
I have no idea - that is why I posted the pictures to get opinions - it never crossed my mind before!
I keep a 18"×18" paver in each run. I usually keep them under a feed dish. I see the chickens running their beaks and nails over it pretty often, I'm guessing they do that to file them down. However, they may be sharpening them in anticipation of me falling down.

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