Happy Mugshot Monday everyone.
Here is Piglet’s profile mugshot. She is only doing profiles today.
Poor girl is staying well clear of Calypso, but at least today she got to come out with the others, so maybe things are sorting themselves out.
I do hope so. Poor little Piglet, she did start it all by being such a menace at roosting that Sylvie had to sleep in the nest box, but it is still sad to see her being picked on.
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Sorry, I know how it is, I have roosting menaces too.
Like this particular hen....
I swear I need to up and move to Australia and deal with drop bears, and everything else under the sun that wants to kill you. They have so many different colors of Marans being worked on, along with some new colors of Brahma's as well. I did not click on the link as I do not have time to go down the "I want that color" rabbit hole.
Ya don’t go down that rabbit warren, I have to console myself with just getting some silkie eggs I guess 💕😊

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