Sorry that you have all that bad weather where you are. Hope that more people can stay safe.
Weather tax:
Passing thunderstorm....View attachment 3840568All the little bumps on the rail are hailstones.

Chickens sheltered in the coop and under the deck. Checked earlier on nesting. Mera still content in her spot. Blanche in the upper far right box. Lark and Shan in boxes on the bottom bank. Nellie screaming about "her" spot being occupied (more like others are in the coop).Seems the curtains aren't a hindrance to them. Now to see if PITA leaves Mera alone.
Seems bad weather all over today.

whiskers is definitely broody the beast! She couldn’t have gone broody a couple weeks ago now couldn’t she sheesh!

I am toying with the idea of giving her a few eggs - if that one is Larry’s (didn’t get one like it today) but have to make sure it isn’t from Raven or Sharpie (highly unlikely).

Or…. Dare I risk trying to foster those 3 majesty Marans I have arriving Tuesday, on her next week….

I have a few days to make a decision.
I can imagine how that would sound :lau .
Pretty much the majority of the phones in our house went off when that test alert thing happened last year. My Dad wanted me to disable the alerts, but you couldn't turn off those kinds. I warned him. He still got scared. And no, it wasn't a government spy tactic.
My phone I can disable weather alerts but not amber alerts (please do not get me started).

After missing a tornado alert two summers ago - the tornado hit about 15 min from me - I now keep the alerts on. I can’t always be checking the weather network.

More water babies and wattles

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