My experience with veterinary medicine is that you absolutely need to be a people person. Owners don’t just drop their animals off and say take my money in exchange for vet care: they expect to be involved in the care and given a say, as though you were in pediatrics taking care of their kids. But worse, because they can decide whether the cost is too high for their budget and to just skip treatment. Maybe even euthanize instead. Which means you also need to be a SALESMAN about what care their pet needs. Of course every so often you get a wealthy animal owner that allows you to treat the pet as needed… but vets get lots of “No, not that medicine, it’s too expensive. Can’t you do anything else?”. So lots more talking/selling to people than actual animal care.
The amount of money vet's are charging is an impossibility for the average person. Then you will get the vet that overly charge people making it even more impossible.
The latter happened to me for many years. A honest vet was appalled by a then previous vet's that made out my old dog had a heart condition, it wasn't true.
That dodgy vet got paid extra for sending me too yet another vet that did exactly the same. Finally the third vet stopped that maltreatment immediately and only gave treatment and care for what was needed. It was so cruel for my poor dog that was already on chemotherapy until the end of his life.

That third vet trusted my judgement. So I've cared for my animals without vets but will use them when I feel that they care and can be trusted. Again IMHO, not all vets have empathy or even like animals. (Same said for human doctors).

But of course in saying all of the above there are people that only want their animals until they need help/time or special diets. These people should never be given the right to have an animal at all.
Oh you and Rosie would so get along. She too is not a people person. She has friends, but people in general, nope.

Her desired career is Forensics. As of right now she is interested in either toxicology, blood splatter analysis or pathology.
That's a very interesting subject
I informed her if she goes the pathology route she is going to medical school and will be a doctor. Why not just be a general practitioner.
I wouldn't go that route even if they became millionaires
Oh the sarcastic look I got. "Mom, I don't like people. I do not want to work with people who can talk back to me. Dead people cannot argue".
Oh my child, whatever floats your boat I guess. I am also informed all the time it is MY fault Rosie has this interest in forensics as a career. I did not watch enough silly cartoons with her when she was little. Instead I watched Investigation Discovery and other crime shows and let her watch it with me. She really became hooked and determined when she watched Dr. G, Medical Examiner years ago.

To those people, oh well. If she makes it and has a successful career one day I will be proud of her so :tongue
Yeah, whatever her chosen career. Just smile in the knowledge of her living her life right the way she wants it
Last nights bad weather was likely a tornado - and here I was telling my BIL at 9:15pm when I got in from doing chores that there was no more risk of tornados as it was now dark and no daylight heating 🤭

Explains the tree branches stuck into the ground anyways. Like little javelin stuck into the dirt.

And Reenie is happy to help clean up - yummy leaves!

Someone got a video of the funnel on video - that lightening was just flash flash flash. Like a strobe light.
That's a very interesting subject

I wouldn't go that route even if they became millionaires


Yeah, whatever her chosen career. Just smile in the knowledge of her living her life right the way she wants it
Quite frankly the way this child likes to argue she should be a Lawyer. Even if you point out she is wrong, she will argue until she is blue in the face that no she is right. If by some miracle she is right, omg the gloating that follows.
I guess I lucked out - Piglet was the same price as everyone else - I think I paid $10 each for them except Babs who I was gifted by @bgmathteach (Thank you!!!).
Tassels and Sylvie both lay dark brown slightly speckled eggs. Not really dark like Marans, but certainly darker than store-bought brown eggs.
Calypso is a pure-bred Ameraucana and lays quite bright blue eggs.
And Tassels lays the prettiest dark green/khaki eggs but is spending a lot of her young life broody so I don't get many from her!
I get the whole broody egg problem. Willow lays amazing dark brown eggs, but she goes broody so often that I too don’t get many from her. I would love to hatch some of her eggs out, but Dad won’t let me… and she won’t either.
The amount of money vet's are charging is an impossibility for the average person. Then you will get the vet that overly charge people making it even more impossible.
The latter happened to me for many years. A honest vet was appalled by a then previous vet's that made out my old dog had a heart condition, it wasn't true.
That dodgy vet got paid extra for sending me too yet another vet that did exactly the same. Finally the third vet stopped that maltreatment immediately and only gave treatment and care for what was needed. It was so cruel for my poor dog that was already on chemotherapy until the end of his life.

That third vet trusted my judgement. So I've cared for my animals without vets but will use them when I feel that they care and can be trusted. Again IMHO, not all vets have empathy or even like animals. (Same said for human doctors).

But of course in saying all of the above there are people that only want their animals until they need help/time or special diets. These people should never be given the right to have an animal at all.
I’m hoping that I can start my own practice. If there is ever an animal that I believe I can save, but the treatment for the animal is too expensive for the owner, I hope that I can pay for it myself. I know that it is very unlikely that I will be able to, but I can only dream.
Quite frankly the way this child likes to argue she should be a Lawyer. Even if you point out she is wrong, she will argue until she is blue in the face that no she is right. If by some miracle she is right, omg the gloating that follows.
Yeah, she and I would be friends. Dad has a close friend who is a lawyer, and when I was way younger, he said that I would be a great lawyer.
Of course, Dad is fine with me being anything BUT a vet, and he would much rather me be a people doctor or lawyer. Um, no thanks.

I love arguing though. It’s fun…

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