Inbar, the naked chicken-more pics, update pg 15

Thank you so much for sharing, and for dealing so graciously with nonreaders and negative comments and such.

Really fascinating. All that red on the roo gives some perspective on our backyard bad boys!

I love the eyes, can't decide whether they're beautiful or Frankenstein-ish.

Interesting that she molts, too; glad someone asked.

Love her jacket or sweatshirt or whatever, too. That really makes a picture. She looks so completely COMFY. Why is it I think it would feel soothing on her skin?

I DON'T want one, because I don't want a house chicken, and certainly don't want to keep her outdoors in the sun and bugs!

Let's hope they can benefit the hungry with this mutation, without making its life one of suffering. Not too trusting of the broiler industry.... I understand that the plan is much more responsible than that, just concerned that jerks will get hold of the line and... well, you know. Sure would be nice to see something like this go the right way for a change. Makes me a bit nervous that you can't get an email response from California.
Thanks for your kind comments ddawn.
Waste as in poop, no. It's just a chicken. Waste as in parts left after processing, yes because of the lack of feathers. It is more efficient in food consumed because it does not need to use the nutrients for feather production but because they are not perfected as broilers yet, they still consume the same amount of feed to get to optimum weight.
Since they have no feathers and consumes the same amount of feed, do they have an elevated body temperature relative to other chickens? I am thinking that the nutrients that is normally use for feather production must be directed to another system in their bodies or it comes out as undigested feeds in their poop.

Thats really diferent!!
I have to admit that I have no idea because I'm not involved in the commercial aspect of these birds & my ex (who will be growing them as broilers) & I aren't on talking terms right now.

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