Lack of respect in young people today

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I don't worry about the kids being loud drawing attention to themselves. It's the ones that quietly sneak around i worry about.
Adults have been complaining about "those kids today" for thousands of years. For real. There are 2000 year-old letters from folks complaining about the young people having no respect for their elders since at least the days of the Roman Empire. There's probably even older, but I studied Latin - not Greek or Aramaic or Persian.
from your OP'

And, I doubt that the kids drinking and driving (4 cars came down the road when I was out there) were of age, not to mention just plain old DWI.

that is why I said call and report the drinking and driving
you said the kids were drinking and driving.
as for "yell" I am sure you didnt yell at them. thinking as a teenager might who has been drinking I am sure they were being defensive when you pulled up and asked them to "move on" and they took it as being "yelled" at just saying.

I dont agree with how they spoke to you. I agree that most kids have no respect for their elders anymore.

I know here living in a rual area the cops are not going to drive out for one noise complaint or just some people being around at 2 am unless you say specifically that they are doing something totally illegal - they just dont have the man power for it. It takes them a long time to get out here and if your not in physical harm or danger or property isnt being damaged they will come out when they have some time. Not saying that its right but that is how it is .
I also agree with Wolfwoman....and those of you who say this lady should MYOB....well, we know who YOU the disrespectful kids, or the parents who just don't teach their kids manners, because they're just like them.
My kids and I have great manners. I just don't think it was that big of a deal. I think the kids were rude, but that doesn't mean their parents are.

When I was a teenager, I remember doing things like playing red rover in the middle of the street late at night, no drinking involved. We were loud, obnoxious, but not rude; I remember bowing to cars, and doing any number of stupid things.

If these kids were walking, it was likely they lived close by. I don't know if the OP knows the neighbors, but it is even possible that they were in their own driveway.

We don't know how old these "young people" were.
We don't know that the cars the OP saw had drinkers or teens in them, and neither does she.
All we know is they made her dog bark, she heard them, and she followed and confronted them, and they responded with rudeness.

This does not mean all young people are rude, or that anyone who disagrees with the OP is rude.
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it is a shame that the younger generation dont have respect for them selfs,and to anybody else.My husband calls the younger generation the pepsi generation. Its all about , me and only me. In my family we were tought to have respect for your elders, no mater how it was,and if we disrespected a person we would be punished for it .I think children should have a little fear for what they would get if they didnt have respect. i knew that when you did do something wrong my mother make you go out to the willow tree and pick a branch and use it on my back side. My mother put the fear in us kids. Im not condoning wiping your kids with willow switches, but you didnt wont to get in trouble for the fear i would get swiched.
Im part of the younger generation and you can ask many here who know me that I am one of the most polite, respectful people they have met. I know plenty of kids that are rude, disrespectful and immature... but the whole younger generation doesnt fit into that category. Sorry about the trouble you are having, some people think they're too cool when all they really are are little *word I dont wanna say*.
I think I would install the brightest high intensity house & spot lights I could find and also a monster fog horn. If someone woke me & my dog up at 2 in the morning by carrying on in the street on a backroad..... I'd return the favor.
When I was younger, if I had been out at 2 in the morning hanging out with friends (hardly ever happened) we would have done it quietly as possible out of respect for our neighbors. And if we were confronted about what we were doing we would reply : We are just hanging out here...bla bla bla .... Sir/ Madam etc..
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