May trade for a new horse thoughts please?

~*Sweet Cheeks*~ :

The seller is in the first video mounting. She's only 5'5", so she has a little harder time getting up. She was riding him in the round pen but there is more video of her riding in the arena that shows much more movement and ground covering walk.

2nd video is me with the helmet. Yes - I wear a helmet. Didn't really feel that I needed it with him but I worked in rehab where I witnessed lots of people with brain injuries learning to walk, talk, and eat, so I just make it a policy to wear one.

I had an easier time getting up at 5'8" even though the stirups were a little shorter than I would take.

He does have head and front end movement because he is a TWH. That movement is what causes the gaited horse to be so comfy to ride. My spotted saddle horse had a lot of head movement. My 17 yr old TWH much less like this big guy.

I will tell you Terina, if you buy him and he doesn't work out I will sign a contract that states I will buy him from you if he doesn't work out for you. I've been feeling like I hope you don't buy him because I REALLY would LOVE to have him.

I am gonna be wearing a helmet to.

I am really hoping he does work out....I appreciate the offer though.

After the holiday....I am going to leave my son to visit family over there but I want him here for Christmas day. I told her yesterday in a voice mail again that I would call her on Sunday the 26th.

The owner said she had tack that would work for him and me to send me with also probably. She said they had a couple nice saddles for sale right now.​
I was all ready to go tomorrow to see buddy and the owner called today and said he is now limping. So she is gonna have the farrier come out and then the vet to xray if not an abscess.
Don't know how cold it's been there, but my horse would occasionally get abcesses in very cold weather. Hope it's nothing serious and that you can go see him soon.
I have been waiting to hear back on his condition I emailed over the weekend and again yesterday.

So this is the message I got today in a email.....

buddy has a pulled susperary tendon the vet says 6 months rest in a stall and hand walk and possible be sound not looking good as a riding horse for now he will stay were he is and we will see how it goes for him
Major bummer (for you and for the horse's owner).

OTOH the really really really GOOD thing about this is, it happened BEFORE you bought him.

Good luck, something really WILL turn up (and this way you have more time to work on those fences),


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