My ducks have no interest in their pellet food


Jul 22, 2023
Hi guys. I have one Pekin and one magpie. They both are 7 months years old. Recently they don't show interest in their pellet food and they just want something else like veggies...They don't eat pellet food immediately like they used to eat..I give them some veggies like cucumber and tomatoes once a day and they absolutely love them but they eat their pellet food so slowly..I don't know why this happening..And should I give them some dirt? I heard it helps them to digest food better..I haven't give them dirt up until now
They gotten spoiled by the daily treats, stop the treats for a few weeks, then cut back to once or twice a week.
By dirt, you mean grit. As long as they are outside anyway, they shouldn't need it.
LoL..I didn't know ducks can be spoiled by this...Tnx for ur reply..They didn't eat their pellet at all today and they keep wanting something else like cucumber..I ended up feeding them a cucumber today

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