I have tried doing fitted sheets like that for years. Somehow I lose something when I do it but, maybe I do that on purpose so folks won't think I'm perfect - :gig:lau:welcome
Fitted sheets are the hardest. I fold them in quarters with all the corners tucked inside each other. Then try to square it off before folding in 3rds.
But I literally fold laundry as part of my job so I get lots of practice.
Well, hello!
I'm late, and tired, dirty, bonus I smell like a dirty wet weenie dog.
About 9 this morning MIL called frantically called asking how to turn off her water supply.
We have no idea where her shut off is so we go look...big mistake.
Her weenie dog Porky chewed every flex hose he could reach and flooded her house.
Hubs and I had to help her replace hoses and clean water best we could.
Hubs just dropped me back home, he went to work. MIL still has no water and hubs shut her power off.
Oh boy, what a day.:th
Well, hello!
I'm late, and tired, dirty, bonus I smell like a dirty wet weenie dog.
About 9 this morning MIL called frantically called asking how to turn off her water supply.
We have no idea where her shut off is so we go look...big mistake.
Her weenie dog Porky chewed every flex hose he could reach and flooded her house.
Hubs and I had to help her replace hoses and clean water best we could.
Hubs just dropped me back home, he went to work. MIL still has no water and hubs shut her power off.
Oh boy, what a day.:th
Where was she during all this? And was he under her house? How the tater did he even reach the pipes?

Was she chewing them and just blames the dog?
Fitted sheets are the hardest. I fold them in quarters with all the corners tucked inside each other. Then try to square it off before folding in 3rds.
But I literally fold laundry as part of my job so I get lots of practice.
I tried to fold bottom sheets. After 3 times I gave up. Don't care enough to be bothered. Soooo I can never have a job that requires it LOL
Well, hello!
I'm late, and tired, dirty, bonus I smell like a dirty wet weenie dog.
About 9 this morning MIL called frantically called asking how to turn off her water supply.
We have no idea where her shut off is so we go look...big mistake.
Her weenie dog Porky chewed every flex hose he could reach and flooded her house.
Hubs and I had to help her replace hoses and clean water best we could.
Hubs just dropped me back home, he went to work. MIL still has no water and hubs shut her power off.
Oh boy, what a day.:th
Soooo is she and wennie going to stay with you
So one neighbor last week asked if I knew what happened to the neighbor in-between us. I knew he was going in for a pacemaker the 2 nd week of July. So I called him to see if he needed the grass mowed. Well he was in a nursing home because things didn't go well... and he also needed rides to a bunch of dr appointments... I feel like a cab service... I kinda wish I hadn't called LOL

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