Good morning everyone.

We are recovering from our friends staying at our house and the mad rush to clean up before hand. Both DH and I are currently suffering from spinal issues. Mine are from holding the baby who at 7.5 weeks is over 16lbs. DH’s issues are from me accidentally dropping the minivan hatch on his head. :oops: We were going shopping before our friends came and DH was putting the cart in the cart return. I took the opportunity to push the close hatch button on my key. The hatch takes 3-4 seconds to start closing. In that time, DH races to the back of the van because he thought he had left an item on the ground behind the van and gets under the hatch just as it starts closing. I felt so bad about it. And poor DH had just recovered from Thing 1 shoving him off balance.
I hope you all recover well. And now you know to either close the hatch while you're at the back of the car, or wait until everyone is in the car to press the button.
Your baby is a toddler! Not that you didn't expect him to be a big little guy.. but it's always a shock to your arms and back no matter how big the baby is. I'll hold someone's baby for 2 minutes and I'm looking for someone to pass them off to b/c my arms don't have that strength anymore.

Ok, can you guys really say this is not a super cute chick?View attachment 1878964
You take the best pictures! Are these keepers or sellers?

The winner of tonights sumo matches...Stacey! :clapView attachment 1879081
Whoa! That girl is a beast.
Morning everyone.

Lightly overcast this morning. It feels like fall. :)

Maybe I can get the yard mowed without sweating out a gallon. :p
It was like that here last week. It was amazing. And now we're back to summer again. Not looking forward to working on the coop this weekend, but I need to do it. Winter will be here before we know it.
It was like that here last week. It was amazing. And now we're back to summer again. Not looking forward to working on the coop this weekend, but I need to do it. Winter will be here before we know it.

I know what you mean. So much prep to do before the cold weather hits.

From over the hedge.....

It never ends this way too.

Still morning here. :p

Weed eater has been run, veggies have been picked, weeds mostly pulled from inside the greenhouse, front and back yards are mowed.
Oh and 5 or 6 stupid dog arguments have been stopped. I have no idea what has gotten into these girls. :hmmI guess while I run errands I will split them up 100%.

I took Jack out to the human side of the yard. He wanted out but those girls are to crazy running around. I worry they will hurt him crashing into him.
He did a couple laps around, scared the daylights out of bunnies and chickens then had a good lay down in the cool grass.
No he was not lunging at anyone, he is just a big black lumbering beast. ;)

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