Good morning everyone.

We are recovering from our friends staying at our house and the mad rush to clean up before hand. Both DH and I are currently suffering from spinal issues. Mine are from holding the baby who at 7.5 weeks is over 16lbs. DH’s issues are from me accidentally dropping the minivan hatch on his head. :oops: We were going shopping before our friends came and DH was putting the cart in the cart return. I took the opportunity to push the close hatch button on my key. The hatch takes 3-4 seconds to start closing. In that time, DH races to the back of the van because he thought he had left an item on the ground behind the van and gets under the hatch just as it starts closing. I felt so bad about it. And poor DH had just recovered from Thing 1 shoving him off balance.
The Squatchers always brighten up my day! How can looking in a chicken's mouth be so funny???? How can a giant zucchini escape detection of the gardener??? Eternal questions are asked and answered here every day! I'm still struggling to move, the truck came yesterday and the movers moved all the furniture except 1 bed and a couple of chairs with the built-in table. Microwave dinners last night -- not much cooking done when everything is a disaster. 98 degrees in Prescott is very hot for here, so just cleaned up inside after the movers took stuff -- how was there so much dirt under the couch????
Dust bunnies leave evidence behind!
Lol! Rae you trying to kill him? :lau
Good morning everyone.

We are recovering from our friends staying at our house and the mad rush to clean up before hand. Both DH and I are currently suffering from spinal issues. Mine are from holding the baby who at 7.5 weeks is over 16lbs. DH’s issues are from me accidentally dropping the minivan hatch on his head. :oops: We were going shopping before our friends came and DH was putting the cart in the cart return. I took the opportunity to push the close hatch button on my key. The hatch takes 3-4 seconds to start closing. In that time, DH races to the back of the van because he thought he had left an item on the ground behind the van and gets under the hatch just as it starts closing. I felt so bad about it. And poor DH had just recovered from Thing 1 shoving him off balance.
Ok, can you guys really say this is not a super cute chick? 20190815_175202.jpg

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