Good morning everybody! Iv'e started my day with some invigorating snake wrangling which im comically bad at wide awake but twice as rotten at before coffee.
I narrowly avoided a snake poop shower and many,many derp beaks safely releasing the fully traumatised snake into the woods.
I gathered one egg covered in snake drool nearly dropping it at least a half dozen times due to the yuck factor and unreal slippery nature of snake slobber.
What a lovely morning lol. :)
Good morning Bob and Parront. :frow

Gonna be a cazy day here. My son got that puppy a bit over a week ago. Today he had to go back to work. That means this granny has to handle all 5 dogs.
My 3 are all gentle and want to play with the puppy. My sons other dog is less than happy about a space invader.
Puppy is over 16#, her potty space is in the human side of the yard so that means I have to carry her there repeatedly throughout the day.

Oh and she has an ear piercing whine/cry that she uses loudly and often. My neighbor has already mentioned it. That pup is also a climber. :hmm

Pray for me.
:frow Good morning Henny, have a great day and I hope the puppy is gentle with you.
Good morning everybody! Iv'e started my day with some invigorating snake wrangling which im comically bad at wide awake but twice as rotten at before coffee.
I narrowly avoided a snake poop shower and many,many derp beaks safely releasing the fully traumatised snake into the woods.
I gathered one egg covered in snake drool nearly dropping it at least a half dozen times due to the yuck factor and unreal slippery nature of snake slobber.
What a lovely morning lol. :)
:frow Good morning Chicky, have a great day. At least you got the egg back.
Yup still howling. From 5:30 to now and counting.

Good morning everyone,

I really want to go back to bed. I had yesterday off and I have today off as well. I had some annoying GI bug Sunday into Monday that kept me awake until after 2 am with trips to the bathroom. Yesterday, I mainly folded clothes and took it easy. We did switch Thing 1 up to 5t clothes and the Milk Drinker to 24m/2t clothes. They are growing up too fast!

This morning, I woke up and discovered I am having a surprise visit from aunt flow. Just glad I didn’t get that on Saturday when we were butchering. We spend about an hour before it started getting too warm to clean off the porch of the old farmhouse. Not that we got it completely finished, but we got a lot done. We would have worked longer, but I ran out of steam and was completely wiped. I guess I’m not completely recovered yet.

I’ve got 10 eggs in lockdown due tomorrow and they all look promising! I hope I fixed the hatch issues I’ve been having. Oh and I’ve been getting a few fertilized eggs from HAL! I thought he was done for the year, but apparently he has a little more in him. I currently have 23 chicks. I’ll probably keep hatching until I get 40.
Good morning everyone,

I really want to go back to bed. I had yesterday off and I have today off as well. I had some annoying GI bug Sunday into Monday that kept me awake until after 2 am with trips to the bathroom. Yesterday, I mainly folded clothes and took it easy. We did switch Thing 1 up to 5t clothes and the Milk Drinker to 24m/2t clothes. They are growing up too fast!

This morning, I woke up and discovered I am having a surprise visit from aunt flow. Just glad I didn’t get that on Saturday when we were butchering. We spend about an hour before it started getting too warm to clean off the porch of the old farmhouse. Not that we got it completely finished, but we got a lot done. We would have worked longer, but I ran out of steam and was completely wiped. I guess I’m not completely recovered yet.

I’ve got 10 eggs in lockdown due tomorrow and they all look promising! I hope I fixed the hatch issues I’ve been having. Oh and I’ve been getting a few fertilized eggs from HAL! I thought he was done for the year, but apparently he has a little more in him. I currently have 23 chicks. I’ll probably keep hatching until I get 40.
Glad you are feeling better and take it easy today too.
I brought my sons adult dog in. She wants absolutely nothing to do with the puppy. I didn't expect her to.
I switched that adult for Tilly. Tilly wants to nap. I am good with that. Her presence has quieted the puppy.
In a bit I will bring River in. River is very very very good with being extra gentle with the puppy.
Sable.....well she gets excited and starts her crazy bouncing from sofa to foot stool to chair. All of that sends furniture sliding across the room.
Good morning everyone,

I really want to go back to bed. I had yesterday off and I have today off as well. I had some annoying GI bug Sunday into Monday that kept me awake until after 2 am with trips to the bathroom. Yesterday, I mainly folded clothes and took it easy. We did switch Thing 1 up to 5t clothes and the Milk Drinker to 24m/2t clothes. They are growing up too fast!

This morning, I woke up and discovered I am having a surprise visit from aunt flow. Just glad I didn’t get that on Saturday when we were butchering. We spend about an hour before it started getting too warm to clean off the porch of the old farmhouse. Not that we got it completely finished, but we got a lot done. We would have worked longer, but I ran out of steam and was completely wiped. I guess I’m not completely recovered yet.

I’ve got 10 eggs in lockdown due tomorrow and they all look promising! I hope I fixed the hatch issues I’ve been having. Oh and I’ve been getting a few fertilized eggs from HAL! I thought he was done for the year, but apparently he has a little more in him. I currently have 23 chicks. I’ll probably keep hatching until I get 40.
:frow Good morning Rae, try to have a great day and due take it easy today
Glad you are feeling better and take it easy today too.
:frow Good morning Mo, have a great day
Yep, but there is a point when stuff goes into a critters mouth or a persons mouth that I say "fine,you can just have it!"
Snake had passed that point, but iv'e got no clue how to say once you spit on it you're eating it in snakeese.:)

:frow Good morning Henny, have a great day and I hope the puppy is gentle with you.
:frow Good morning Chicky, have a great day. At least you got the egg back.

Aww cute little hemmoroid at least.;)
Yup still howling. From 5:30 to now and counting.

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