Very pleased today, day 20 and already half the eggs have hatched!
Well... It took us an hour to clean up from the butchering. Not bad all told. I'm starting to think about how I want to set up a butchering station here. I've come to the conclusion that I want to buy a propane camp water heater to use. I'm contemplating having movable pieces (sink(s) tables that we just hook hoses up to. I definitely want warm water though, at least for the cleanup. Something to think about. The way we set things up at my parents house there is a large distance between where we kill, to where we scald, to where we pluck, to where we eviscerate, to where we put the carcasses in an ice bath. I'm thinking if I had movable pieces (killing cone stand, scald station, plucking/plucker station, evisceration sinks/station, Ice bath). The scalder can be utilized later for shrink wrap bags and we can have a counter stand for that. We would have canopies over all of this to keep sun and rain off. I originally wanted to have a built-in butchering station but that sounds like it would take up too much room inside the shed we are planning on getting. If we had movable sinks/tables we could have a corner of the shed devoted to storing the equipment
Well... It took us an hour to clean up from the butchering. Not bad all told. I'm starting to think about how I want to set up a butchering station here. I've come to the conclusion that I want to buy a propane camp water heater to use. I'm contemplating having movable pieces (sink(s) tables that we just hook hoses up to. I definitely want warm water though, at least for the cleanup. Something to think about. The way we set things up at my parents house there is a large distance between where we kill, to where we scald, to where we pluck, to where we eviscerate, to where we put the carcasses in an ice bath. I'm thinking if I had movable pieces (killing cone stand, scald station, plucking/plucker station, evisceration sinks/station, Ice bath). The scalder can be utilized later for shrink wrap bags and we can have a counter stand for that. We would have canopies over all of this to keep sun and rain off. I originally wanted to have a built-in butchering station but that sounds like it would take up too much room inside the shed we are planning on getting. If we had movable sinks/tables we could have a corner of the shed devoted to storing the equipment
Yeah mine is all over the place too.
I have been thinking of doing something different too

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