
none around here
So I’ve been documenting Pat’s comb....
Day 2 of treatment (so actually 1 treatment, this is before I put more extreme care on) 1/26
View attachment 1656146
This is today. 1/28 He has had it applied only 1x a day for 3 days.
View attachment 1656145
I’ve also been rubbing it on his waddles which he dips in the water. And his earlobes just in case.
Wow! That’s impressive healing! What is this magic
“Extreme care”?
So I’ve been documenting Pat’s comb....
Day 2 of treatment (so actually 1 treatment, this is before I put more extreme care on) 1/26
View attachment 1656146
This is today. 1/28 He has had it applied only 1x a day for 3 days.
View attachment 1656145
I’ve also been rubbing it on his waddles which he dips in the water. And his earlobes just in case.
Also may I point out that these are excellent photos.
Is hard to get a grasp on the damage of frostbite when there’s poor lighting/photo isn’t focused/a busy background.

Do you have a thread about this?
If not, please do!
The frostbite threads are coming in by the wheelbarrowful!

If you had a title that highlighted a treatment that would help a LOT of people.
Lovely winter day here
Sunrise was almost an hour ago
Snowing an inch an hour right now they say
Temps have risen to 30f from -5
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View attachment 1655749

Ugh Moly that sucks!!!! Poor baby! Crank up that heat, put on some some wol socks and make yourself a big azz mug of cocoa (spiked, if you like! which I do).

:hugs and stay warm!!!
Once I was trying to pry a root out of a stupid place in a flower bed and as I was prying on it the shovel snapped and I went straight back and bashed my head into the ground. I laid there for a good 5 minutes contemplating all my terrible life choices. I've also once cut my finger on a can while thinking "I'm going to cut myself doing this".. yet I continued. We're all dumb at one time or another.

I tried that but my cows kept knocking it over. I actually got a rabbit feeder this weekend to deal with that problem. I put a piece of cardboard to separate it into 2 sections. 1/2 grit and 1/2 oyster shell. I'm going to put it in there tonight so hopefully that will solve that problem. They have a container, but it's always getting covered in straw. It's like they see something that doesn't have straw in it and immediate turn around and start kicking [read: freshly cleaned & filled water dish]...
View attachment 1655808

We have to same POS weather, it seems, though it looks like you're getting the brunt of it. You must be getting the snow that we're supposed to get tonight. Please keep as much of it as you'd like... consider it a gift. :oops:
Do you heat your birds? I don't and I'm wondering if I should do something just for those days when it's going to be negative...
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It's our prerogative to complain about our weather... everyone is allowed, but Banty always wins for having it the worst.

Same. The news people said we're supposed to get our coldest in 25 years.. probably the same as you. A few years back when they had that throw boiling water out the windows b/c it was really cold, did people out there do that too?

Apryl, I got one of those for my grit and oyster shell too. It works awesome. You don't even have to put a separator in it. I just pour grit on one side and shell on the other. It mixes a little toward the middle, but they are smart enough to pick out what they need.

I'm sorry for laughing, but your root/shovel story cracked me up! especially "the contemplating all my terrible life choices" part, lol. That sounds exactly like something spazzy I would do, lol!
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So I’ve been documenting Pat’s comb....
Day 2 of treatment (so actually 1 treatment, this is before I put more extreme care on) 1/26
View attachment 1656146
This is today. 1/28 He has had it applied only 1x a day for 3 days.
View attachment 1656145
I’ve also been rubbing it on his waddles which he dips in the water. And his earlobes just in case.

That's very impressive!

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