In other news, I found my washable diaper stash. I haven't used them once. I'm thinking I'm going to start using them for the Milk Drinker overnight. He rarely poops at night and he's been flooding his diapers and getting the bed wet. At least with washable diapers I can double up on the absorbent materials.
Hi guys,

Today has been an interesting day. I found out what has been happening to my bantams. My FIL said that he's been finding flayed open carcasses in the field and he thought the larger birds were getting aggressive with them. Unfortunately I hadn't been able to get out there to assess the situation.

We were going to work on the farmhouse again but both DH and FIL are sick. So I took the boys to my mom and went shopping this morning. My MIL suggested that she and I go over to the farmhouse this afternoon to do at least some work. So after lunch, bath, and putting the baby down for a nap and we get in the car to go the 100 yards down the lane to the farmhouse (my MIL doesn't like walking that far, it's raining, and it is easier to ferry stuff back and forth). As we are driving past the chicken paddock, out of the corner of my eye I see what I first thought to be a mess of feathers on the ground with a naked chicken standing in the middle of it. I slam on the breaks and look. It is a hawk. A tiny one. not much bigger than the bantam it was tearing into.

No wonder why I haven't lost any chickens to hawks before. They've all been too big or fast. These banties are tiny and slow.

Is it bad that I feel a little better about the banties being taken out by a hawk than pecked to death by their flock mates? I'm going to see if I can round them up and sell them before they all become hawk food.
I would feel better too

Best to round up and sell
Soooo...y'all might remember me saying Robin was a non layer.....I was wrong! :woot

I have 4 birds that lay colored eggs. Today I finally got 4 colored eggs! Turns out she lays a green instead of a blue. I am ok with that. I was worried she would die young from internal laying.

Rae, I am sorry you bantams are being targeted. :hugs

Chicky! Tiny feed bags would be hilarious!
Soo many snort laughs!! :lau
With their docile and gentle nature, affectionate personality and egg-tastic egg laying abilit...jpg
With their kind and sweet nature Faverolles make perfect companions for young children_ These ...jpg

The face says it all!
She's about to pay the derp toll.😂
Good morning Bob , Henny and anybody else im too slow to.see.
It is so, so, sooooooo soggy out there everything is fully saturated.
Kids laid an egg right in the doorway, normally I don't look down but I did this time.
Im so glad, eggy feet are no fun.:)
:frow Soggy or no, have a great day. I can definitely relate to soggy, right at 2" over the last few days. I sink when I walk.

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