Henny, I just saw the typo, it was supposed to say citronella spray collar. It's made by Petsafe.

I figured that was what you meant. ;)
She is doing a little better so he is holding off on any additional collars.

Good morning everyone :frow have a great Tuesday!

Good morning Sue. :frow
Wishing you a great day too.
Good afternoon everybody :frow

Thanks! Thankfully it passed this time. Must have just been allergies.
Have you heard anything from the cardiologist yet?
Yes, he said he can fix my issue with a cardiac cath ablation IF my heart is acting up at the time. Not very likely. But not treating it will not cause any problems.
Hey Sue, I found out that my heart problem can be fixed, but if it doesn't bother me I can ignore it.
How are you doing?

That's great news, I guess just keep track of it and if something doesn't seem right, go back to the doctor.

I'm still having the same bothersome issues, but they say over time they will go away. I keep my cane handy, just in case. My hand still shakes mostly in the morning now. And the headaches still suck, but again I have days that are mostly free of pain and then others that are not so much. I go in for a CT in two weeks, and see my Neuro and I'm going to ask why my worst headaches are in the same spot that I had the bleed (back of head on the right side).

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