Possibly, this is something that you definitely don't want anything you don't want completely dead anywhere near.
I've seen what it's capable of and in all seriousness I'm afraid of it myself.
They also have lots of farm animals to get into it also. A RL friend recommended a way for raptors that's probably similar.... Nope, not here
I'm fine,I'm basically a cockroach.
I'd probably survive an atomic bomb.:)
We have plexiglass on other bookshelves that the other boys and the Milk Drinker haven’t figured out. The panels we just put up are hard for us to remove we need pliers to twist the L hooks out of the way to remove them. So I don’t think MD is going to figure it out.

Sorry about your seizure! I hope you are okay.

The traps we are using at the Duke dog proof traps. They work a treat and don’t catch anything that can’t grab stuff with tiny hands (designed for coons and possums).
Is the big boy going to public school or will you be homeschooling him? He's kindergarten age already!???? 😱. The Plexi glass made me laugh out loud but boy that was smart!
We are homeschooling him. DH has been working with him on reading for about a year now. He’s pretty much reading at a second grade level.
Ok, obvious boy he's the smallest chick.
Dobby the big baby.
The one that had pasty butt.:)


Good morning all 🔆
Nice day, sunny low humidity 70s
:frow Good morning Mo, have a great day
Good morning!
It must be flower fly day because I had more of those goobers hovering in my face than I can count.
Big ones too, the kind you feel the wind off their wings.
I'm not complaining though, could be so much worse.:)
:frow Good morning Chicky, have a great day

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