Post your old Pictures of your family- Pictoral Genealogy

Great idea! I love researching family history.I am on the wrong computer to post old picture. I can't wait for my printer/scanner to die so I can replace it w/the HP one that scans slides.My MIL has boxes and boxes of old slides.
I couldn't wait... here's some of my mother as a child and my parents a short time after they were married. I love the old cars!


Okay IF this works,(I copied this with my webcam thats why it is so blury)anyway,..this is my GGgrandmother,her daughter my Ggrandmother,and her daughter my grandmother, and the skinny little boy is my daddy. Four generations of my family on my dads side. It was taken about 1950 or so.

Now that is a treasure!!

I just had to post something somehow! This is all I could get to in a hurry and plus everyone is asleep and Im trying to rumage through things quietly. I could not find my back-up disc of all my pictures! First thing in the morning I will have to make a new copy off the old computer.
Now that is a treasure!!

I just had to post something somehow! This is all I could get to in a hurry and plus everyone is asleep and Im trying to rumage through things quietly. I could not find my back-up disc of all my pictures! First thing in the morning I will have to make a new copy off the old computer.

I can't wait to see what you come up with- I uploaded all mine to photobucket and picasaweb so that if this old computer dies on me I can go later and get them. We'll have to remember to revive the thread tommorrow so it won't get lost .
I just had to post something somehow! This is all I could get to in a hurry and plus everyone is asleep and Im trying to rumage through things quietly. I could not find my back-up disc of all my pictures! First thing in the morning I will have to make a new copy off the old computer.

I can't wait to see what you come up with- I uploaded all mine to photobucket and picasaweb so that if this old computer dies on me I can go later and get them. We'll have to remember to revive the thread tommorrow so it won't get lost .

Eggzactly! Ill post more tomorrow,can't wait!
This is the picture that I said I was so proud of. This is my GGGgrandparents on my fathers side, William Lilly and his wife Julianna. This was taken in the late 1800's. He was born about 1820 and she was born around 1840 or so.
(I got all my pictures downloaded to my laptop now)

This is my GGgrandparents w/their daughter on my mothers side. I am not sure of date taken, but check out their clothes!
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