Post your old Pictures of your family- Pictoral Genealogy

No one objects, love the photos! The picture of your great grandfather is very nice. I love the mustache!
This picture is of my DH's grandpa, he come over from Spain in 1920. His name was Everisto Santa Maria Martinez. He changed his name to Everette S. Martin later on.
Wow that is a great pic too! It's funny about his name. My great grandfather didn't change his name but the doctor who came to see my great uncle after he was born would not let my ggparents name him Ishtvan because he couldn't spell it so the Doc put Steve on the birth record instead. My ggparents never learned English. Many years later he changed his name to Ishtvan in their memory.
That is such a sweet story! It is so nice to know family stories like that and you can pass them down to the next generation. My DH's grandfather "Chow" (that was his nickname) he spoke english good, but when he got mad, he would go to cussing and fussing in spanish. That is one of those past downed stories, my DH never had the honer of personally meeting him. He passed away in the 1950's I believe, way before my hubby's time. My DH's uncle travels to Spain every so often and visits the family over there. We are hoping one day we can go visit. Maybe when we retire?
That is such a sweet story! It is so nice to know family stories like that and you can pass them down to the next generation. My DH's grandfather "Chow" (that was his nickname) he spoke english good, but when he got mad, he would go to cussing and fussing in spanish. That is one of those past downed stories, my DH never had the honer of personally meeting him. He passed away in the 1950's I believe, way before my hubby's time. My DH's uncle travels to Spain every so often and visits the family over there. We are hoping one day we can go visit. Maybe when we retire?

We hope to visit our homelands some day as well. I don't know it is possible to visit where my family is from (Bihargarah,Hungary) I was told it is still occupied. It is very near Transylvania!!! Maybe some day. I was told the only English spoken was gospel hymns and some curse words

I found a couple more pics. The first is my GUncle Ishtvan and his sister, my GAunt Suzetta, my GGparents Karloy and Maria, the baby is my GAunts baby. 1939 ETA: GUncle will be 91 this year!

The next is me and my mom on a very snowy day! 1975
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Found 'em! My aunt had made a cd of pics a while ago. These are from my mom's side. I remember my Grandma telling me the story of how they came from Czech or Hungary during WW1. Can't remember which; I think the countries may have been blended at that time. My Grandfather was from Austria and she didn't meet him until she was already here and she worked as a seamstress for a wealthy family. My great-grandfather was in the military and sent the family here. At that time their house was small and had a dirt floor. They came in through Ellis Island and she was young and didn't remember alot, but she sure remembered being de-loused! I can't imagine but I do know I made her tell this story over and over. Dear Grandma has been gone 17 years now and Grandpa 5. I sure miss her.

These are my great-grandparents. Not sure what the occasion was:


And my Grandparents. Grandpa was in the Navy. Not sure if he was shipping out or just got home:


I love this pic of Grandma:


The girls: From L to R: Great-grandma, my mom, my aunt, my Grandma


Whoa - Grandma was a little sassy here!!!! (second from the left; my mom is third)


And last but not least, so I don't bore you too much, here's one of me! Well, sorta. Grandma, Mom & me, and Great Grandma:


I sure enjoyed looking through these old pics. Thanks for starting this!
Those are awesome pictures! I just love old pictures of family.
LilRalphieRoosmama,..sassy grandma is great! Its always fun to run up on that one picture that shows that person in a different light.
Schultz,..great pictures! I hope you get to go and visit your homeland one day. That would be awesome, being close to Transylvania, that would be a trip! I consider families like yours and my DH's very lucky. Your families came over here later and it isnt to bad to find out info about them and where they come from. My family on both sides,maternal and paternal, came here ASAP. My dad's side I traced them back to the 1600's, by the 1700's most of them were here in the colonies. They come from France, Scotland, and England. My mom's family the same,..England,Scotland, and Prussia (which is now Germany). I guess it comes up I am an European Mutt! LOL! They all came here to this area (then Virginia) and we just never left. My dad's family has been in the area I live in for over 200 yrs. The rest was scattered not too far from here. I guess I am lucky in a way to have some much history so close to me, but I just wish there was more records available to find out more. Record keeping was not a main priority back in the day. Oh sorry,..rambling on!
I think that's great that you can trace your family back so far. There have been so many variations to the last names that I can't figure it out. At least I was able to hear the story from Grandma on my mom's side, but zip on my dad's side. I know they were from the Ukraine and I think my great grandparents came here first. My maiden name is Bokisa and it's funny to go to a reunion because the last name is spelled differently depending on the family: Bokisa, Bakaysa, Bokaysa. Wow. I haven't typed that in over 20 years. Dad begged me to change my name back after my divorce but I didn't. Probably shoulda.
Alot of my history is documented thru Ellis Island and I am happy about that but rich American heritage is also important. If it were not for those people, we would not be here. Yes there are a lot of mixed feelings about American History but that is a history we were not here for. My Irish side settled in West Virginia because of the predjudices against the Irish in the north. I love it there, my Ggranddad, who I was close to lived to be 103. Anyway, you would be surprised at how much family history you can find.
Alot of my history is documented thru Ellis Island and I am happy about that but rich American heritage is also important. If it were not for those people, we would not be here. Yes there are a lot of mixed feelings about American History but that is a history we were not here for. My Irish side settled in West Virginia because of the predjudices against the Irish in the north. I love it there, my Ggranddad, who I was close to lived to be 103. Anyway, you would be surprised at how much family history you can find.

I understand what you are saying and I am very proud of my rich family history. Like I said they are scattered all over this state. Wv is a great place and has always been a great place for others to come to and settle. I know i asked my DH so many times why his grandpa came here to WV after coming to America through Ellis Island from Spain. The answer he has always been told was for work. The mine industry at that time was booming and this was the place to be I guess.

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