Rooster started humping my TV remote.😱

Now I am imagining people all over the globe releasing their snakes, hamsters, iguanas, finches, monitors, guinea pigs, tarantulas, stick bugs, hermit crabs, and countless other pets all over the globe....

Only to replace them with mini pigs because they can be litter box trained. :lau
Maybe I should have worded it a little better. How about this, livestock should live outside. Such as chickens, pigs, blah blah.

I apologize if I came across as rude or insensitive, wasn't trying to be. 😶 sometimes I can be snarky.
Or better yet, get a donkey.

Pigeons are so cute ❤
Wouldn't keep them inside either. All animals that can live outside, should live outside. Just my thoughts.
I can see a pigeon rather than a chicken living inside, though.
Although I see where you’re coming from and what you’re thinking that logic is flawed since almost every animal that people have as pets inside their house could live outside. If I had a pet snake should I let it live outside just because it can? I personally wouldn’t. I do agree that in this situation the roo should be re homed since I think that would be the best considering the circumstances. No hard feelings just telling you how this way of thinking doesn’t really make sense in a debate. But to each their own right?
Although I see where you’re coming from and what you’re thinking that logic is flawed since almost every animal that people have as pets inside their house could live outside. If I had a pet snake should I let it live outside just because it can? I personally wouldn’t. I do agree that in this situation the roo should be re homed since I think that would be the best considering the circumstances. No hard feelings just telling you how this way of thinking doesn’t really make sense in a debate. But to each their own right?
Okay, livestock aka farm animals. That's what I'm talking about. A chicken belongs outside, that's the end of that. Unless its medically necessary to have the chicken inside. Everyone has their own opinion. ❤😍😭
Maybe I should have worded it a little better. How about this, livestock should live outside. Such as chickens, pigs, blah blah.

I apologize if I came across as rude or insensitive, wasn't trying to be. 😶 sometimes I can be snarky.
The problem is, different people have different definitions of livestock. Some people think of dogs, cats, pigeons, etc as livestock. Some think of pigs, chickens, horses etc as pets.
I only have one rooster, no hens in sight.
I was hoping it would turn out to be a hen but it didn't work out that way.
I knew this day would come, but I didn't know it would come this soon. 😭
He has been humping my hand and the remote for a few days now.
Luckily for me and the remote,
he wears chicken diapers. 🙊🙉🙈
So, what do I do now?
I have no option on getting more poultry,
I shouldn't even have him either.
But I hatched him as an egg
and now I'm in love with him. 🥰🥰🥰
He is a indoor rooster pet.
I blame Covid 19 boredom
for hatching him out. 😷😷😷
I don't know how to add a video so I only have pictures. 😁

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