There is another thread on here that did this experiment across several farms and pretty much decided that some hens lay pointy eggs, and others lay round eggs, that unless you look at eggs that are all from the same hen and compare HER eggs to each other, that you won't be able to get any decent readings.
Do you know the name of the thread? I would like to look at it.
Ok, I read through them, and your right. They all are about pointy vs round shaped eggs. One thing that they never brought up is physically measuring the eggs. Our eyes may see a long egg, however if you have a very wide long egg it could have a high SI value. According to the article I posted the higher the SI% the more likely it is to be a pullet.
Who knows!!
You could very well be correct, however I am gonna go with it, and see!!
Ok, I read through them, and your right. They all are about pointy vs round shaped eggs. One thing that they never brought up is physically measuring the eggs. Our eyes may see a long egg, however if you have a very wide long egg it could have a high SI value. According to the article I posted the higher the SI% the more likely it is to be a pullet.
Who knows!!
You could very well be correct, however I am gonna go with it, and see!!
Go for it. Just wanted you to see the previous research that was done so you had a bit more to go on.
One thing I knoticed on those threads is that there wasn't much detail. The threads just sort of stop, yet no real results.
I am on day 20, and anxiously awaiting any chicks that may hatch!!
I'd much rather see a live chick and be able to sex it, rather than having to pull out a DIS and sexing that!!
I do believe I may have a late hatch. I believe my temps in the brinsea were a bit low. The mercury thermometer at top was set to 99, and I read that with the brinsea octogan eco, most people have it set to the 100* mark for best hatches.
Oh, well, we shall see!!
Ok, just wanted to update everyone. Not one hatched yet. We are on day 23. I am going to open them up later today and document and see if I can color sex them.
I have already tapped, checked, candles, and float tested them. All are not viable, so I put them back in bator, and will do eggtopsy later today.
Ok, just wanted to update everyone. Not one hatched yet. We are on day 23. I am going to open them up later today and document and see if I can color sex them.
I have already tapped, checked, candles, and float tested them. All are not viable, so I put them back in bator, and will do eggtopsy later today.
That stinks :( I’m still looking forward to the results of this experiment.

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