Wildlife Photography

Hello. I was wondering what camera you would suggest for me. I'll be asking for one for my birthday. It will probably be second hand, due to the birthday budget, but if it still works well I'm happy with that. My dad likes nikon cameras but you can suggest any brand.

So what camera do you use?
Not sure if this was directed to me but I've always shot Canon gear. That said they are not good value in my opinion. Since your dad shoots nikon I would lean towards that brand. Sony is good too.

Are you wanting to shoot wildlife?

Approximately what is your total budget for a lens/camera?.

@Alyssa-Bee shoots nikon and a setup similar to hers would be a great value minded setup.

I definitely recommend buying all your gear used. Almost everything I own I've bought used and when it comes time to sell or upgrade you don't lose as much money.
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Not sure if this was directed to me
it was directed to everyone :)
but I've always shot Canon gear. That said they are not good value in my opinion. Since your dad shoots nikon I would lean towards that brand. Sony is good too.
Great, I was hoping to stay with nikon since my dad knows how it works
Are you wanting to shoot wildlife?
mostly wildlife and chickens!
Approximately what is your total budget for a lens/camera?.
Maybe up to £250, but if there's nothing good for that price, I can chip in a bit and so can the rest of my family.
@Alyssa-Bee shoots nikon and a setup similar to hers would be a great value minded setup.
I don't need anything too professional, like I don't need a tripod or a super long lens. @Alyssa-Bee what camera do you have?
I definitely recommend buying all your gear used. Almost everything I own I've bought used and it comes time to sell or upgrade you don't lose as much money.
New cameras are definitely expensive...
That said they are not good value in my opinion. Since your dad shoots nikon I would lean towards that brand. Sony is good too.
Interesting. I've heard a lot of people say that Canon isn't very good compared to Sony or Nikon. Something that I've noticed though is that when I'm scanning through top photos on the Macaulay Library (a wildlife database where you can upload photos of your sightings, primarily birds) all the ones that catch my eye immediately always seem to be the ones shot with fair to high-quality Canon setups. Maybe it's just something about the quality of the sharpness that's different. I don't know and it's really hard to explain, but for some reason I just like them better.

DISCLAIMER-- this test was as unbiased as possible. I looked at the photos and selected the ones that just had the best "feel" to them for me and then looked at the photography setups that took them.
Interesting. I've heard a lot of people say that Canon isn't very good compared to Sony or Nikon. Something that I've noticed though is that when I'm scanning through top photos on the Macaulay Library (a wildlife database where you can upload photos of your sightings, primarily birds) all the ones that catch my eye immediately always seem to be the ones shot with fair to high-quality Canon setups. Maybe it's just something about the quality of the sharpness that's different. I don't know and it's really hard to explain, but for some reason I just like them better.

DISCLAIMER-- this test was as unbiased as possible. I looked at the photos and selected the ones that just had the best "feel" to them for me and then looked at the photography setups that took them.
Oh Canon is Good stuff, it's just expensive stuff. :)
Oh, is that the issue? I thought it was about quality. I am clearly out of the loop here 🤦‍♂️
Canon makes good stuff. It's just very expensive comparatively. I would argue Nikon has slightly better optics but it's really preference. However, Nikon is less expensive. Having said that, the majortiy of "pros" shoot Canon. Your mileage may vary, and there's really no wrong answer here. Except maybe Polaroid. THat may be a wrong answer.

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