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  1. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    it's been going around our house too. feel better!
  2. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    absolutely true, challenging to do because for a lot of us it's new behavior learned under stress, but it's the way to survive the situation stronger as a couple, rather than be torn apart by it. thank you. some of these lessons were hard and expensive, and I figure if I share what I've...
  3. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    picking a good time is key, one where he's feeling good enough, and things between you are calm. you know him best, so you know what does and doesn't work, here are some ideas, see if anything fits, or try some of it and see if it works... ask him to just listen for a couple of minutes while...
  4. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    or... ... it's a training period where you two learn how to manage this particular type of stress together, before you have to do it every day. you might, at a calm time on a better day, talk about how it seems you two aren't wearing well on the bad days and come up with a strategy. something...
  5. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    hey there, I've spent a long time working in the medical device industry, a lot of it on ventilators. a friend of mine is the person who got this particular product started... I don't know much about it but it's something you might want to look into. it's pretty new, so your doctors might not...
  6. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    I know there's a mason's hall in Redlands, been to lots of events there... older but nice place!
  7. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    don't know if they have them in your area, but some of the Rural CA areas have Granges... "The Grange"... like a community building more common in agricultural areas. where are you located? I know there are some in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. are you anywhere near palm springs...
  8. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    dark green leafy veges, preferably raw (heat breaks down the vitamins) but lots of other things too... you want to get a good balance of the set, there's lots of Bs here's a link with a good list: also, milk (for calcium) or turkey...
  9. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    are you getting enough sleep? B vitamins? Calcium? stress burns right through the B vitamins, if I'm stressing for no reason I can identify, that's the first thing I check. sometimes getting some extra B is all that's needed to put me back on a more even keel. calcium really helps too.
  10. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    yep, they can be dangerous (as many things can)... always a matter of choosing how you want to live your life. I always rode in full leathers (yes even in California 100+ weather) and the best helmet and gloves and boots I could buy. I checked the fine print on my birth certificate... nothing...
  11. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    ...decided that was a clue for me to stop riding. I did love the feeling of the being one with the bike... as if they weren't the bike's wheels but *my* wheels, as if it wasn't the bike's power, it was *my* power... when you've ridden long enough that the bike just does what you think...
  12. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    <this is me chuckling and shaking my head> so will one of y'all send me an email I can send a paypal to already? ------------------------ Saturday as I was pulling out of the Walmart parking lot there was a guy standing there by the drive with his duffle bag and a cardboard sign . he was...
  13. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    Ha! I love the "regular can do machine" image! you can help me starch my corset any time, lord knows it sometimes could use a bit more starch...
  14. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    Quote: Quote: wait... *who's* stubborn? you've got friends here wanting to help. let them help. we all have the opportunity to take important lessons out of difficult situations, Sometimes, especially for the independent among us, the lesson is learning how to accept help when we need it.
  15. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    having had a shiner or two (for perfectly mundane reasons, I assure you), I have 4 or 5 good stories for anyone who gives me that "look"... my favorites? - "I got whacked in the eye with the cables while bungie jumping." - "Got into a head butting argument with one of my sheep." - "Oh this...
  16. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    add me to the gift giving crew... someone PM me with where all y'all are plotting?
  17. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    oh YOU got our rain.... we're drying up and blowing away here... this time 2 years ago, big round bales were $18, this time last year they were $35-40. they're at $55-65 now and going up. IF you can find anyone selling. too darn dry. we had 103 last weekend, which is a different experience...
  18. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    could be electrolytes too... plenty of water won't solve that, can even make it worse. if he's sweating because of the heat or what he's doing, its especially important. gatorade or something like it, or apricot juice/nectar and bananas if he won't drink the gatorade. gatorade g2 or some of...
  19. zzGypsy

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    +1 !!! Cassie it's clear you know The TakeDown Maneuver ... Happy to meet another member of the Goddess of All Goats club! with my tough guy I have to use Maneuver Version Two, which also involves a horn lock.... since he's got 'em and it's important to know where they're going while he's...
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