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  1. dieselgrl48

    Oh Boy Just What I Needed!

    Well I got a NEW baby over the weekend.! Here I am trying to downsize the bird's in case We Do have to move.Gaaaaaa LOOKIE LOOKIE.I had been wanting another one since We bought the farm 6 years ago but there were hardly ANY breeder's near US.My daughter gave her to me as early Xmas Gift. She got...
  2. dieselgrl48

    Weee My Giant Frizzle's Are Frizzled Pic!

    Got a couple new pic's tonight.They are all getting the peakie's.They were pretty PUFF and smooth the first week. The little brown one had splay leg's but it's getting better.I put in some rubber shelf liner last weekend and he or she has been doing so much better the last few days really...
  3. dieselgrl48

    Anyone Have Any Scrap Lycra Or Remant's To Sell?

    Hi, thought I would see if anyone has any fabric they would like to sell resonably priced.I am only able to use stretch fabric's for my project's right now.Bright color's a plus.Let Me know if anyone has something I might be able to use.
  4. dieselgrl48

    Weee 4 Newbie's

    Well so far I have hatched 4 egg's out of the One giant frizzle hen's Egg's I found in creek bed.I think 2 more are hatching also.I lost about half due to hen and I know one had rotted .Just feel lucky I found the egg's when I did.They are so chubby and cute.The 3 are still drying out.Maybe...
  5. dieselgrl48

    Stinking Lousy Hawks!

    . Well been a rough summer anyway with the pest here.Havent had a lot of racoon action lately. But those darn hawks!. I was inside today with grandson doing some housework.I heard the big birds going off. I ran straight for the rifle. Before I got out the door and out the gate I saw him flying...
  6. dieselgrl48

    A Story Of A Dying Breed

    This was a local story. Though some of you might like to read it.
  7. dieselgrl48

    2 New Ducklings!

    Well I just sold all of the adults yesterday.I woke up to a suprise hatchling this morning.I had given up on the egg's.We had one hatch sat.And it died sometime sun. night. .I think maybe the humidity and stuff was all off.I worked all day Sat. on that one.He was like super glue.I think maybe...
  8. dieselgrl48

    Well Missing more of My Birds Today!

    Well this morning I had to get the ducks up for sale.I parted with 2 of my cochin roo's, a cochin hen, and another columbian hen. . Sadly one poor mallard drake got upset and the buyer wasnt really watching door and neighbors dog was trying to help but..Now I got one lone drake all by...
  9. dieselgrl48

    Blue Front Amazon Parrot For Sale

    Ok Im hating to even list My Pal Ozzy for sale.He's app. 4 years old.He is a super bird.He does have vocabulary and is very loving and an attention hog once He get's used to someone.He will be Local pickup ONLY!We live in SW Va.So if anyone is close enough.He need's a good loving home with...
  10. dieselgrl48

    Losing Our House

    Well I guess it seem's somewhat official We are losing our house.DH has been calling bank again for month's.He called Friday and they said they could Only accept 2 payment's by the 22d.Baaaaaa No way!Anyway We paid a lawyer for bankruptcy last week.The lawyer said We needed to keep house or...
  11. dieselgrl48

    Mad and Mad What Would YOU Ask For Any Laying Age Bird?

    Well Im totaly tired and Aggravated! I spent most of day trying to refresh the coop's and totaly cleaned horse stall out where I house my duck's and a few chicken's including the 2 broody hen's.The call's are already coming in about the bird's for sale.How much would You guys charge for new hens...
  12. dieselgrl48

    Feel Like Im On See Saw

    With everything that has happened over the last few week's I have been feeling Totaly crazy.With the worry of Us being foreclosed on,Taking care of 2 yr old grandson 24/7, The Bird's I lost (rats),Daughter wrecked car We just got her last week.Then the Kitten Died, The hawk got a couple of my...
  13. dieselgrl48

    Lost Muffin My Millie Hen Today

    .I Haven't a clue.She has been laying an egg daily almost now on and off for week's.She had been pretty much free ranging around and sticking with a group of a couple of my other bantam's.The other 2 millie hen's and roos's didn't have a lot to do with her.She alway's went back to coop at...
  14. dieselgrl48

    Egg Auction Help

    Ok I decided to list my mix of egg's on here.It keep's saying something about enter Numbers Not character's or something.I have triple checked my starting price all that.What am I doing wrong?
  15. dieselgrl48

    Would a Hawk Kill A Kitten And Leave it?

    Well the last couple of week's sure hasn't been great for me.I lost all those young chick's in one coop due to Rat's We Gather.Put poision out for them.Now the last week or so darn hawk's are bomabrding Us.I think one flew right into horse stall sat. Where my 2 broody hen's with 11 babie's...
  16. dieselgrl48

    Is Anyone Interested In A Mix Of Chicken And Duck Egg's?

    Ok I have gotten so disgrutled.A lot of my bird's have been laying pretty good for a few week's now.I had listed them On Ebay the last 2 week's as a Barnyard mix with No Bid's.Now I have a ton of egg's sitting Again today on counter and have no idea what to do with them.I have 3 ducks laying...
  17. dieselgrl48

    Im Nut's 10 More???

    . Well I have had chick's and some roo's for sale listed localy for a few week's now. My Neighbor showed up with a carrier on the back of his truck this eve. He didn't bother to stop by and ask beforehand.I guess he know's what a "sucker" I am.He had 10 gorgeous columbian bantam wyandotte's.4...
  18. dieselgrl48

    Please Tell Me What Am I?

    Ok I have been meaning to post forever but been so tied up.I finaly got a pic of one of the girls.We got these from TSC in the pullet bin in spring.All the girls are pretty large and a couple are laying already.I had to put egg's up on Ebay I didn't want any of my egg's to go to waste.I know We...
  19. dieselgrl48

    Another Animal Neglect Case Gaaaaa Seem's like there are more and more new one's every week.
  20. dieselgrl48

    2 Hens Are New Mama's Today.

    Well the last couple of days have been really depressing since I lost all of my graduated chicks but a few to whatever Predator in one coop.This eve DH and I were outside on the porch and he said what are those "peanut" babie's over there running around the cornbcrib.Weeee My OEGB which had went...
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